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Resetting Drop down field values to default in Angular js 1.5.6

I need to reset all drop down values to empty values,currently I am default the state and metro based on zip code I am getting from back-end.

Here one more issue is angular removing the empty select option once I select any value in the drop down, so reset button should reset field values to empty values.

I wrote code for reset but it is not working. Any help on this appreciated.

Javascript Code:

$scope.myFunction = function()

HTML Code:

<form name="myForm">
            <div ng-show='showFilterData' class="box2">
                <div class="panel panel-default">
                    <div class="panel-heading">
                        <h3 class="panel-title">Filters</h3>
                     <span  ng-show="!myForm.$valid && myForm.$error.required">Please select the mandatory field</span> 
                    <div class="dropdown-fields">
                        <div class="panel-body">
                            <div class="form-group" ng-repeat="(key, productItem) in productItems" >
                                <span class="error-message"  ng-show="!productItem.APTS_UI_Selection_Optional__c">*</span>                               
                                    <div ng-if="!productItem.APTS_Dependent_Attribute__c && selectedProductItem.Id != '01t30000003iyXzAAI'"> 
                                          <select name="statesel" ng-init="Select" class="form-control" style="width:auto" ng-model="productItem[productItem.Name]" ng-change="onStateChangeDD(productItem[productItem.Name], key, productItem)" ng-options="ddItem.Name as removeAmparsendFilter(ddItem.Name) for ddItem in productItem.ddData | orderBy:'Name'" ng-required="true">


                                    <div ng-if="productItem.APTS_Dependent_Attribute__c && selectedProductItem.Id != '01t30000003iyXzAAI'">
                                        <select name="metrosel" ng-init="Select" class="form-control" style="width:auto" ng-model="productItem[productItem.Name]" ng-change="onStateChangeDD(productItem[productItem.Name], key, productItem)" ng-options="ddItem.Name as removeAmparsendFilter(ddItem.Name) for ddItem in productItem.filterData | orderBy:'Name'" ng-required="true" >


                                     <div ng-if="!productItem.APTS_Dependent_Attribute__c && selectedProductItem.Id == '01t30000003iyXzAAI'"> 
                                          <div ng-if="productItem.APTS_Display_Order__c == '1' "> 
                                            <select  ng-init="Select" class="form-control" style="width:auto" ng-model="productItem[productItem.Name]" ng-change="onStateChangeDD(productItem[productItem.Name], key, productItem)" ng-options="ddItem.Name as removeAmparsendFilter(ddItem.Name) for ddItem in productItem.ddData | orderBy:'Name'" >

                                          <div ng-if="productItem.APTS_Display_Order__c == '3' "> 
                                            <select  ng-init="Select" class="form-control" style="width:auto" ng-model="productItem[productItem.Name]" ng-change="onStateChangeDD(productItem[productItem.Name], key, productItem)" ng-options="ddItem.Name as removeAmparsendFilter(ddItem.Name) for ddItem in productItem.ddData" >

                                    <div ng-if="productItem.APTS_Dependent_Attribute__c && selectedProductItem.Id == '01t30000003iyXzAAI'"> 
                                        <div ng-if="productItem.APTS_Display_Order__c != '4'">                                           
                                        <select  ng-init="Select" class="form-control" style="width:auto" ng-model="productItem[productItem.Name]" ng-change="onStateChangeDD(productItem[productItem.Name], key, productItem)" ng-options="ddItem.Name as removeAmparsendFilter(ddItem.Name) for ddItem in productItem.filterData | orderBy:'Name'" >

                                         <div ng-if="productItem.APTS_Display_Order__c == '4' && selectedProductItem.Id == '01t30000003iyXzAAI'">
                                                 <input type="text" ng-blur="attoerneyPRValue(attoerneyPR)" ng-model="attoerneyPR"/>


                        <div class="getresults-btn">
                            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info"  ng-disabled="!myForm.$valid "  ng-click="getattributeCombination()">Search</button>
                            <button type="button" ng-click="myFunction()"> reset </button>
                            <div class="alert alert-danger" ng-show="showSuccessAlert" >
                                <span> <strong> Your results are more than 600 lines. First 600 lines have been shown. Please narrow results using the provided filters.</strong></span>
                                <button type="button" class="close" data-ng-click="switchBool('showSuccessAlert')">x</button>


you can do this with below tweak in your myFunction , since all the select box has this array as a model with different keys, you can reset the array in your function if it contain any other model name you need to reset this as well, like i reset attoerneyPR model manually in function

$scope.myFunction = function(){
    $scope.productItem = {};
    $scope.attoerneyPR = '';

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