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ListboxFor not Binding when dropdown change in Ajax call

I'm trying to load the ListboxFor control when user changes the particular dropdown. Below is the code I tried to achieve it, but it's not working. Can any one guide me? Thanks in advance.

@Html.ListBoxFor(c => c.ClientDemographicHospitalId, new MultiSelectList(Model.Hospitals, "Value", "Text"), new { ng_model = "hospitalDropdownList", @class = "HospitalListbox", style = "width:65%" })
    url: '/Controller/ActionMethod',
    type: "POST",
    dataType: "JSON",
    data: { clientId: clientId },
    success: function (data) {
        $("#ClientDemographicHospitalId").append($('<option></option>').val(0).html("Select Hospital"));
        $.each(data, function (i, hospitals) {
public ActionResult GetHospitalsByClient(int clientId)
    JsonResult result = new JsonResult();
    var hospitals = GetHospital(clientId);
    if (hospitals != null)
        result.Data = hospitals.ToList();
        result.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;
    return result;


Maybe you can take a look at the rendered HTML in your browser by inspecting the DOM elements? I think the problem might be around there, also because you are getting the ID from a table I assume, and probably you are getting an ID which is '20932' in the ListBox, and you are trying to call an element with ID #ClientDemographicHospitalId, which probably is different than the one you are pointing at, in that case you should use HospitalListbox class and call the Jquery element like:

$(".HospitalListbox").append($('<option></option>').val(0).html("Select Hospital"));
$.each(data, function (i, hospitals) {

Also inside the success of the AJAX call, put a console.log(data); to see exactly which data you are receiving and want to put in those elements.

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