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How to use gsub in awk to find and replace (“./”) and (“.txt”) characters within a file

I want to remove characters " ./ " and " .txt " from my file using sub and awk

This is what my input looks in file


I want the output to be


So far This is what I have written.I will use the output of this gsub and pass it to awk and print it.Rest of my code is working except this .

gsub ( "[./txt]","" )

Use gsub instead and remember to escape . and / like \\. and \\/ :

$ echo "./file_name.txt|1230" | awk '{gsub(/\.\/|\.txt/,"")}1'

Since you said you need to replace in a file you can use,

awk '{gsub(/\.txt|\.\//, "")}1'  file_name > tmp && mv tmp file_name

or you can use gawk which is much simpler,

gawk -i inplace '{gsub(/\.txt|\.\//, "")}1' file_name

This answer explains what 1 at the end of the statements means.

您提到了awk ,而另一个答案已经回答了它,但是这是您可以使用sed做到这一点的一种方法:

sed 's|\./||g; s|\.txt||g' <<< "./file_name.txt|1230"

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