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JavaScript TypedArray mixing types

I'm trying to use WebGL and would like to mix some different types into one buffer of bytes. I understand TypedArrays serve this purpose but it's not clear if I can mix types with them (OpenGL vertex data is often floats mixed with unsigned bytes or integers).

In my test I want to pack 2 floats into a UInt8Array using set() , but it appears to just place the 2 floats into the first 2 elements of the UInt8Array . I would expect this to fill the array of course since we have 8 bytes of data.

Is there anyway to achieve this in JavaScript or do I need to keep all my vertex data as floats?

src = new Float32Array(2); // 2 elements = 8 bytes
src[0] = 100;
src[1] = 200;

dest = new UInt8Array(8); // 8 elements = 8 bytes
dest.set(src, 0); // insert src at offset 0

dest = 100,200,0,0,0,0,0,0 (only the first 2 bytes are set)

You can mix types by making different views on the same buffer.

 const asFloats = new Float32Array(2); // create a uint8 view to the same buffer as the float32array const asBytes = new Uint8Array(asFloats.buffer); console.log(asFloats); asBytes[3] = 123; console.log(asFloats); 

The way TypeArrays really work is there is something called an ArrayBuffer which is a certain number of bytes long. To view the bytes you need an ArrayBufferView of which there are various types Int8Array , Uint8Array , Int16Array , Uint16Array , Int32Array , Uint32Array , Float32Array , Float64Array .

You can create the ArrayBuffer from scratch.

 const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); const asFloats = new Float32Array(buffer); asFloats[0] = 1.23; asFloats[1] = 4.56; console.log(asFloats); 

Or you can do the more normal thing which is to create an ArrayBufferView of a specific type and it will create both the ArrayBufferView of that type and create the ArrayBuffer for it as well if you don't pass one into the constructor. You can then access that buffer from someArrayBufferView.buffer as shown in the first example above.

You can also assign a view an offset in the ArrayBuffer and a length to make it smaller than the ArrayBuffer . Example:

 // make a 16byte ArrayBuffer and a Uint8Array (ArrayBufferView) const asUint8 = new Uint8Array(16); // make a 1 float long view in the same buffer // that starts at byte 4 in that buffer const byteOffset = 4; const length = 1; // 1 float32 const asFloat = new Float32Array(asUint8.buffer, byteOffset, length); // show the buffer is all 0s console.log(asUint8); // set the float asFloat[0] = 12345.6789 // show the buffer is affected at byte 4 console.log(asUint8); // set a float out of range of its length asFloat[1] = -12345.6789; // this is effectively a no-op // show the buffer is NOT affected at byte 8 console.log(asUint8); 

So if you want to for example mix float positions and Uint8 colors for WebGL you might do something like

 // we're going to have // X,Y,Z,R,G,B,A, X,Y,Z,R,G,B,A, X,Y,Z,R,G,B,A, // where X,Y,Z are float32 // and R,G,B,A are uint8 const sizeOfVertex = 3 * 4 + 4 * 1; // 3 float32s + 4 bytes const numVerts = 3; const asBytes = new Uint8Array(numVerts * sizeOfVertex); const asFloats = new Float32Array(asBytes.buffer); // set the positions and colors const positions = [ -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, ]; const colors = [ 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, ]; { const numComponents = 3; const offset = 0; // in float32s const stride = 4; // in float32s copyToArray(positions, numComponents, offset, stride, asFloats); } { const numComponents = 4; const offset = 12; // in bytes const stride = 16; // in bytes copyToArray(colors, numComponents, offset, stride, asBytes); } console.log(asBytes); console.log(asFloats); function copyToArray(src, numComponents, offset, stride, dst) { const strideDiff = stride - numComponents; let srcNdx = 0; let dstNdx = offset; const numElements = src.length / numComponents; if (numElements % 1) { throw new Error("src does not have an even number of elements"); } for (let elem = 0; elem < numElements; ++elem) { for(let component = 0; component < numComponents; ++component) { dst[dstNdx++] = src[srcNdx++]; } dstNdx += strideDiff; } } 

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