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Debugging not working in Visual Studio Code with Python

I'm fairly new to python and to date I've been using Komodo as my interpreter. I decided to try something more robust, so I installed Visual Studio Code version 1.23.1 and I'm running Python 3.6.4. When I run a basic script it runs properly, but I noticed in the debugger window none of the variables appear, in fact nothing appears. Not sure what I've done wrong. The debug is set to DEBUE Python: Current File.

By default VSCode's debugger will execute your file until it either encounters a breakpoint (or exception) or your program exits. To change this behavior, set "stopOnEntry": true your launch.json configuration like so:

"configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Current File",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${file}",
            // Add this line
            "stopOnEntry": true
        // other configurations

在 lanch.json 中添加这个 "stopOnEntry": true

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