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How to specify C++ header and library folder in a setup.py (pySFML)?

pysfml is a library I love, but it has not been maintained for a while now, and is not available with pip.

I am using windows 10 and visual C++ 2015.

The setup.py is this one:


I edited line 60, but I still have an error since I did not specific .lib files.

I also edited line 81 like so:

library_dirs=[os.path.join('extlibs', 'libs-msvc-universal', arch)]+[os.path.join('C:\\\\_code\\\\libs\\\\SFML-2.5.0\\\\lib')] if sys.hexversion >= 0x03050000 else [], setup.py finishes, but when I import it in python it says ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

I even add the dlls in the .egg file it generated in /dist and installed the .egg manually with the same error.

line 126 shall be

dlls = [("Lib\\\\site-packages\\\\sfml", glob('extlibs\\\\' + arch + '\\\\openal32.dll'))]+[("sfml\\\\", glob('C:\\\\_code\\\\libs\\\\SFML-2.5.0\\\\bin\\\\*'))]

I have no idea how to make a setup.py take a prebuilt sfml, so I don't know how to patch it.

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