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Spring Batch: ItemProcessor does not process all records

My batch job doesn't process all read records.

After finish the job, Spring Batch logs that read 198282 records, but in processor I have a log before start the processing and logged only 196503 , but sometimes, the processor process all.

I'm running the job in multi thread with throttle limit = 20, but sometimes I have this problems, not process all.

ItemReader: JpaPagingItemReader with saveState = false


class MyProcessor implements ItemProcessor<Item, Item> {

    public Item process(final Item item) {

What could be happening? Spring batch is not sending all records to process or I'm doing something wrong to work with multi thread?


public Job myJob (Step myStep) {
    return jobBuilderFactory.get("myJob")


public Step consolidateTaxaRebateJobStep (
        JpaPagingItemReader<Item> reader,
        ItemProcessor<Item, Item> processor,
        ItemWriter<Item> writer,
        TaskExecutor taskExecutor) {
    return stepBuilderFactory.get("myStep")
            .<Item, Item>chunk(200)

Spring Boot Version: 2.0.1


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