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ExtJS PHP/MySQL backend connector error

exactly the same problem than on this post

follow carefully the documentation (official) https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.5.3/guides/backend_connectors/direct/mysql_php.html

did not understand how to solve it

edit here is a screenshot of firefox console

api.php (the file where the error is) (took from ext js documentation and sdk examples)


header('Content-Type: text/javascript');

$API = get_extdirect_api('api');

# convert API config to Ext Direct spec
$actions = array();
foreach($API as $aname=>&$a){
    $methods = array();
    foreach($a['methods'] as $mname=>&$m){
        if (isset($m['len'])) {
            $md = array(
        } else {
            $md = array(
        if(isset($m['formHandler']) && $m['formHandler']){
            $md['formHandler'] = true;

        if (isset($m['metadata'])) {
            $md['metadata'] = $m['metadata'];
        $methods[] = $md;
    $actions[$aname] = $methods;

$cfg = array(

echo 'var Ext = Ext || {}; Ext.REMOTING_API = ';

echo json_encode($cfg);
echo ';';


app.json edited part as asked in the tutorial i linked

"js": [
            "path": "${framework.dir}/build/ext-all-rtl-debug.js"
            "path": "php/api.php",
            "remote": true
            "path": "app.js",
            "bundle": true


 * The main application class. An instance of this class is created by app.js when it
 * calls Ext.application(). This is the ideal place to handle application launch and
 * initialization details.
Ext.define('DirectApp.Application', {
    extend: 'Ext.app.Application',

    name: 'DirectApp',

    quickTips: false,
    platformConfig: {
        desktop: {
            quickTips: true

    launch: function () {

    onAppUpdate: function () {
        Ext.Msg.confirm('Application Update', 'This application has an update, reload?',
            function (choice) {
                if (choice === 'yes') {


<html manifest="">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=10, user-scalable=yes">


    <!-- The line below must be kept intact for Sencha Cmd to build your application -->

    <script id="microloader" data-app="70f32dd6-f700-4939-bc96-3af4f1c9798b" type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap.js"></script>


here is the router took from sdk examples as i say you can do it in the tutorial


class BogusAction {
    public $action;
    public $method;
    public $data;
    public $tid;

$isForm = false;
$isUpload = false;

    header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
    $data = json_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);
}else if(isset($_POST['extAction'])) { // form post
    $isForm = true;
    $isUpload = $_POST['extUpload'] == 'true';
    $data = new BogusAction();
    $data->action = $_POST['extAction'];
    $data->method = $_POST['extMethod'];
    $data->tid = isset($_POST['extTID']) ? $_POST['extTID'] : null; // not set for upload
    $data->data = array($_POST, $_FILES);
}else if (($data = file_get_contents('php://input')) !== '') {
    $data = json_decode($data);
    die('Invalid request.');

function doRpc($cdata){
    $API = get_extdirect_api('router');

    try {
            throw new Exception('Call to undefined action: ' . $cdata->action);

        $action = $cdata->action;
        $a = $API[$action];

        doAroundCalls($a['before'], $cdata);

        $method = $cdata->method;
        $mdef = $a['methods'][$method];
            throw new Exception("Call to undefined method: $method on action $action");
        doAroundCalls($mdef['before'], $cdata);

        $r = array(

        $o = new $action();
        if (isset($mdef['len'])) {
            $params = isset($cdata->data) && is_array($cdata->data) ? $cdata->data : array();
        } else {
            $params = array($cdata->data);

        array_push($params, $cdata->metadata);

        $r['result'] = call_user_func_array(array($o, $method), $params);

        doAroundCalls($mdef['after'], $cdata, $r);
        doAroundCalls($a['after'], $cdata, $r);
    catch(Exception $e){
        $r['type'] = 'exception';
        $r['message'] = $e->getMessage();
        $r['where'] = $e->getTraceAsString();
    return $r;

function doAroundCalls(&$fns, &$cdata, &$returnData=null){
        foreach($fns as $f){
            $f($cdata, $returnData);
        $fns($cdata, $returnData);

$response = null;
    $response = array();
    foreach($data as $d){
        $response[] = doRpc($d);
    $response = doRpc($data);
if($isForm && $isUpload){
    echo '<html><body><textarea>';
    echo json_encode($response);
    echo '</textarea></body></html>';
    echo json_encode($response);


QueryDatabase.php (sql request php file)


 class QueryDatabase {

    private $_db;
    protected $_result;
    public $results;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->_db = new mysqli(MY CREDENTIALS);

        $_db = $this->_db;

        if ($_db->connect_error) {
            die('Connection Error: ' . $_db->connect_error);

        return $_db;

    public function getResults($params) {
        $_db = $this->_db;

        $_result = $_db->query("SELECT name,email,phone FROM heroes") or
                   die('Connection Error: ' . $_db->connect_error);

        $results = array();

        while ($row = $_result->fetch_assoc()) {
            array_push($results, $row);


        return $results;

and finally config.php file


function get_extdirect_api() {
    $API = array(
        'QueryDatabase' => array(
            'methods' => array(
                'getResults' => array(
                    'len' => 1

    return $API;


here is full network tab from firefox screenshots

edit 3 here is api.php details from network tab



stack trace

here is the configuration file sencha.cfg which is configuration of the minimal web server provided my sencha CMD

# sencha.cfg
# This is the main configuration file for Sencha Cmd. The properties defined in
# this file are used to initialize Sencha Cmd and should be edited with some
# caution.
# On previous versions, this file provided a way to specify the cmd.jvm.* properties
# to control the execution of the JVM. To accommodate all possible execution scenarios
# support for these properties has been removed in favor of using the _JAVA_OPTIONS
# environment variable.

# This indicates the platform that Cmd is installed on.  This is used for
# platform specific package management.
# Possible values: windows, osx, linux, linux-x64
# cmd.platform=

# This is the Sencha Cmd version.


# This indicates the level of backwards compatibility provided. That is to say,
# apps requiring versions between cmd.minver and cmd.version (inclusive) should
# be able to use this version.


# The folder for the local package repository. By default, this folder is shared
# by all versions of Sencha Cmd. In other words, upgrading Sencha Cmd does not
# affect the local repository.


# This is the default port to use for the Sencha Cmd Web Server.


# Java System Properties
# By setting any "system.*" properties you can set Java System Properties. For
# general information on these, see:
# http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/environment/sysprop.html

# Proxy Settings
# The primary reason to set Java System Properties is to handle HTTP Proxies.
# By default, Java uses "http.proxy*" properties to configure HTTP proxies, but
# the "java.net.useSystemProxies" option can be enabled to improve the use of
# system-configured proxy settings based on your platform. If this setting does
# not work for your proxy server setup, try disabling this setting by commenting
# it out and enabling the other settings. See also this information on proxy
# setup:
# http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html
# NOTE: If you find that you need to adjust these settings, you may want to do
# so in a "sencha.cfg" file one folder above this folder. The settings in that
# file override these settings, so be sure to only copy the settings you need
# to that location. The advantage to putting these settings in that location is
# that they will not be "lost" as you upgrade Cmd.


# These are the legacy options that come in to play when the above is commented
# out:

# Merge Tool Settings
# To enable use of a visual merge tool to resolve merge conflicts, set the
# following property to the desired merge tool path:
#       cmd.merge.tool=p4merge
# Next, to configure the arguments for the merge tool, set this property:
#       cmd.merge.tool.args={base} {user} {generated} {out}
# Alternatively, the arguments for several merge tools are defined below and can
# be used in your configuration for simplicity/clarity like so:
#       cmd.merge.tool.args=${cmd.merge.tool.args.sourcegear}
# NOTE: the cmd.merge.tool.args property is split on spaces *then* the tokens
# are replaced by actual files names. This avoids the need to quote arguments to
# handle spaces in paths.
# NOTE: Some merge tools (like SmartSynchronize) do not accept the output file
# separately so there is no way to know if the merge was completed. In this case,
# the base file is where the result is written so Cmd just copies the content of
# that file back as the result.
# You can add the appropriate lines to customize your Cmd configuration. See
# below for details.

# The arguments for p4merge, see below for download:
# http://www.perforce.com/product/components/perforce-visual-merge-and-diff-tools
cmd.merge.tool.args.p4merge={base} {user} {generated} {out}

# SourceGear (http://www.sourcegear.com/diffmerge/index.html)
cmd.merge.tool.args.sourcegear=--merge --result={out} {user} {base} {generated}

# kdiff3 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/kdiff3/files/kdiff3/)
cmd.merge.tool.args.kdiff3={base} {user} {generated} -o {out}

# Syntevo SmartSynchronize 3 (http://www.syntevo.com/smartsynchronize/index.html).
cmd.merge.tool.args.smartsync={user} {generated} {base}

# TortoiseMerge (part of TortoiseSVN - see http://tortoisesvn.net).
cmd.merge.tool.args.tortoise=-base:{base} -theirs:{generated} -mine:{user} -merged:{out}

# AraxisMerge (see http://www.araxis.com/merge-overview.html):
cmd.merge.tool.args.araxis=-wait -merge -3 -a1 {base} {user} {generated} {out}

# The address where Sencha Inspector is located

# this variable references a json file containing unicode code points to be
# printed in escaped form during code generation.

# Customizing Configuration
# Customization can be handled any of these ways:
#   1. Place customizations in this file (ideally at the bottom) and they will
#      configure this instance of Sencha Cmd.
#   2. Create a "sencha.cfg" file in the folder above this instance of Sencha Cmd
#      to be shared by all installed versions.
#   3. Create a "~/.sencha/cmd/sencha.cfg" file. On Windows, the "~" maps to your
#      %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% folder (e.g., "C:\Users\Me").
# Your personal settings take priority over common settings (item #2) which both
# take priority of instance settings (this file).

thank you

I guess you are also following the guide and using the sencha app watch and getting the php code returning back to you. I found this answer on a Sencha forum that the web server that the sencha cmd provides doesn't support php is just a basic HTTP web server.

I was looking at the exact same thing today and came across the post....

For anyone else looking for the problem this is how i fixed it. Basically you have to get the posted data in a slightly different manner... looks at the first comment in the code below


 class BogusAction {
    public $action;
    public $method;
    public $data;
    public $tid;

 $isForm = false;
 $isUpload = false;
 // different way to get the data that is posted to the URL 
 $postData = file_get_contents('php://input');
 if (isset($postData)) {
    header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
    $data = json_decode($postData);
 else if (isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)) {
    header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
    $data = json_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);
 else if(isset($_POST['extAction'])){ // form post
    $isForm = true;
    $isUpload = $_POST['extUpload'] == 'true';
    $data = new BogusAction();
    $data->action = $_POST['extAction'];
    $data->method = $_POST['extMethod'];
    $data->tid = isset($_POST['extTID']) ? $_POST['extTID'] : null;
    $data->data = array($_POST, $_FILES);
 else {
    die('Invalid request min .');

 function doRpc($cdata){
    $API = get_extdirect_api('router');
    try {
        if (!isset($API[$cdata->action])) {
            throw new Exception('Call to undefined action: ' . $cdata->action);

        $action = $cdata->action;
        $a = $API[$action];

        $method = $cdata->method;
        $mdef = $a['methods'][$method];

        if (!$mdef){
            throw new Exception("Call to undefined method: $method " .
                                "in action $action");

        $r = array(

        $o = new $action();

        if (isset($mdef['len'])) {
            $params = isset($cdata->data) && is_array($cdata->data) ? $cdata->data : array();
        else {
            $params = array($cdata->data);

        $r['result'] = call_user_func_array(array($o, $method), $params);

    catch(Exception $e){
        $r['type'] = 'exception';
        $r['message'] = $e->getMessage();
        $r['where'] = $e->getTraceAsString();

    return $r;

 $response = null;

 if (is_array($data)) {
    $response = array();
    foreach($data as $d){
        $response[] = doRpc($d);
    $response = doRpc($data);

 if ($isForm && $isUpload){
    echo '<html><body><textarea>';
    echo json_encode($response);
    echo '</textarea></body></html>';
    echo json_encode($response);

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