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Add “next” and “previous” buttons to dynamic Lightbox gallery

I created a dynamic lightbox gallery and want to add "next" and "previous" feature. I have been trying for past couple of days but always been hitting a brick wall...

Here is my code (I will include everything so it will make more sense):

My gallery.php file included in the index.php. You can add images to the gallery by adding images to directory. I am assigning ID to each image. :

//function call
return showImages();

//function definition
function showImages(){
  $out = "<h1>Image Gallery</h1>";
  $out .= "<ul id='images'>";
  $folder = "img";
  $filesInFolder = new DirectoryIterator($folder);
  $imgnumber = 1;
  while ($filesInFolder->valid()){
    $file = $filesInFolder->current();
    $filename = $file->getFilename();
    $src = "$folder/$filename";
    $fileInfo = new Finfo( FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE );
    $mimeType = $fileInfo->file($src);
    if ($mimeType === 'image/jpeg'){
      $out.= "<li><img id='imgnumber$imgnumber' src='$src' /></li>";
      $imgnumber = $imgnumber + 1;

  $out .= "</ul>";
  return $out;

Keeping in mind progressive enhancement, here is my JS file:

function init (){
  window.console.log("welcome newww user");
  var lightboxElements = "<div id='lightbox'>";
  lightboxElements += "<div id='overlay' class='hidden'></div>";
  lightboxElements += "<img class='hidden' id='big-image' />";
  lightboxElements += "<div id='navigation' class='hidden'>";
  lightboxElements += "<div id='next'>Next</div><div id='prev'>Prev</div>";
  lightboxElements += "</div>";
  lightboxElements += "</div>";
  document.querySelector("body").innerHTML += lightboxElements;
  var bigImage = document.querySelector("#big-image")
  var overlay = document.querySelector("#overlay")

function toggle(){
  var clickedImage = event.target;
  var bigImage = document.querySelector("#big-image");
  var overlay = document.querySelector("#overlay");
  var navigation = document.querySelector("#navigation");
  bigImage.src = clickedImage.src;
  //if overlay is hidden, we can assume the big image is hidden
  if (overlay.getAttribute("class") === "hidden"){
    overlay.setAttribute("class", "showing");
    bigImage.setAttribute("class", "showing");
    navigation.setAttribute("class", "showing");
  } else {
    overlay.setAttribute("class", "hidden");
    bigImage.setAttribute("class", "hidden");
    navigation.setAttribute("class", "hidden");

function prepareThumbs(){
  var liElements = document.querySelectorAll("ul#images li");
  var i = 0;
  var image, li;
  //loop through all <li> liElements
  while (i < liElements.length){
    li = liElements[i];
    //set class='lightbox'
    li.setAttribute("class", "lightbox");
    image = li.querySelector("img");
    //register a click event handeler for the <img> Elements
    image.addEventListener("click", toggle, false);
    i += 1;

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);

Here is the CSS file:

div#overlay {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  opacity: 0.85;
  transition: opacity 1s ease-in;
/* hide overlay and big-image and navigation */
div#overlay.hidden, img#big-image.hidden, div#navigation.hidden {
  opacity: 0;
  left: -200%;
/* resize images and display them as a horisontal list */
li.lightbox img {
  height: 100px;
li.lightbox {
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 10px;
  max-width: 80%;
  max-height: 90%;
  position: absolute;
  background-color: white;
  padding: 10px;
  top: 5%;
  left: 10%;
#navigation.showing {
  max-width: 80%;
  max-height: 90%;
  position: absolute;
  background-color: white;
  padding: 10px;
  top: 5%;
  left: 10%;

My question is, how can I add this feature to the above code?

I wish, I could keep the code I wrote, however, if this feature can't be achieved with this code, I am open to suggestions. If you need anymore information please let me know in comments.

Probably something like this. You can adapt this to your code. You need to call your toggle function in the buttonHandler method. I added some comments to help you out.

 let next = document.getElementById("next"); let previous = document.getElementById("previous"); let result = document.getElementById("result"); class ImageManager { constructor(imageElements, buttonPrevious, buttonNext, resultElement){ if(imageElements.length === 0) return; this.imageElements = imageElements; this.sentinel = imageElements[0]; this.index = 0; this.resultElement = resultElement; buttonPrevious.addEventListener("click", ()=>this.buttonHandler(-1), false); buttonNext.addEventListener("click", ()=>this.buttonHandler(1), false); this.resultElement.innerHTML = this.sentinel.innerHTML; } buttonHandler(val){ this.index = (this.index+val+this.imageElements.length) % this.imageElements.length; this.sentinel = this.imageElements[this.index]; this.resultElement.innerHTML = this.sentinel.innerHTML; //THIS IS WHERE YOU WANT TO CALL TOGGLE //this.sentinel is your clicked image. Just need to pass it to your toggle function as a parameter and use it. } } let images = document.querySelectorAll(".light-box"); let imageManager = new ImageManager(images, previous, next, result); 
 <div class="light-box">image1</div> <div class="light-box">image2</div> <div class="light-box">image3</div> <div class="light-box">image4</div> <div class="light-box">image5</div> <div class="light-box">image6</div> <div class="light-box">image7</div> <button id="next">Next</button> <button id="previous">Previous</button> <div id="result"></div> 

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