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HttpListener won't work over network even with firewall allowed

I'm using the following code to add a http listener:

public class WebServer
    private readonly HttpListener _listener = new HttpListener();
    private readonly Func<HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, string> _responderMethod;

    public WebServer(string[] prefixes, Func<HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, string> method)
        if (!HttpListener.IsSupported)
            throw new NotSupportedException(
                "Needs Windows XP SP2, Server 2003 or later.");

        // URI prefixes are required, for example 
        // "http://localhost:8080/index/".
        if (prefixes == null || prefixes.Length == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("prefixes");

        // A responder method is required
        if (method == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("method");

        foreach (string s in prefixes)

        _responderMethod = method;

    public WebServer(Func<HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, string> method, params string[] prefixes)
        : this(prefixes, method) { }

    public void Run()
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
            //Console.WriteLine("Webserver running...");
                while (_listener.IsListening)
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((c) =>
                        var ctx = c as HttpListenerContext;
                            string rstr = _responderMethod(ctx.Request, ctx.Response);
                            byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rstr);
                            ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = buf.Length;
                            ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
                        catch { } // suppress any exceptions
                            // always close the stream
                    }, _listener.GetContext());
            catch { } // suppress any exceptions

    public void Stop()

static class Program
    public const int PORT = 18991;

    static void Main()
        WebServer ws = new WebServer(SendResponse, "http://+:" + PORT + "/");
        Application.Run(new Form1());
    private static string SendResponse(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse response)
        return "ok";

This works fine on the local machine, however it won't listen to request from other devices inside the network. I even added aoutgoingincoming rule to the firewall allowing the connection, I added the URL using netsh http add urlacl url="http://+:18991/" user=everyone and started the application with admin rights, but no success.

How can I allow requests from remote devices inside the LAN?

Here are steps that you can try and see if they help:

  1. Start Visual Studio as administrator:

    启动 Visual Studio

  2. Start your application in debug mode.

  3. Open Resource Monitor in Windows and ensure that the port is present and set to Allowed, not restricted :


  4. If not, add an inbound firewall rule for the port:


    Allow it on all domains:


    Allow programs:


    Allow the connection:


  5. Start HttpListener in the following way:

using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace HttpTestServer
    public class MainWindow
        private readonly HttpListener _httpListener;

        public MainWindow()
            _httpListener = new HttpListener();

        public async Task Start()
            while (true)
                var context = await _httpListener.GetContextAsync();

                using (var sw = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream))
                    await sw.FlushAsync();
  1. Run ipconfig and check what IP address you have:


  2. Ping your computer from the other computer on the network:


  3. From the other computer, also test to send an HTTP request to your computer:


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