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C# innerhtml regex

Okay so I'm trying to extract particular data from innerhtml,

example of html -

<list class="bla">
    <img src="http://www.example.com?id=1&number=1" src2="http://www.example.com?id=1&number=1">

I'm currently using

foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(innerHtml, @"id=(?<id>\d+)&amp;count=(?<count>\d+)"))

but this will get both ids&count from both srcs, how can i just target




instead of getting both

First, return your target attribute value with selenium, an example can be found how to get an attribute value from a href link in selenium

Once you have done that use the following code:

string src2 = "http://www.example.com?id=1&number=1";
        Regex regex = new Regex("([0-9])");
        Match match = regex.Match(src2);
        if (match.Success)

Basically, group 1 is where the first occurrence (id) of numeric value group 2 is the second occurrence of numeric (number) value.

More helpful links: https://www.dotnetperls.com/regex-groups https://regex101.com/

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