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Workaround for casting concrete to base generic abstract class

I have a generic base abstract class:

public abstract class Generator<T>
    public abstract void Start(T config);

Then, I have many concrete classes that inherit from base class and expect certain parameter type. Some of them:

public class AGenerator : Generator<AGeneratorConfig>
    public override void Start(AGeneratorConfig Config) { /* some code*/ }

public class BGenerator : Generator<BGeneratorConfig>
    public override void Start(BGeneratorConfig Config) { /* some code*/ }

Their Start() method parameters are defined as follows:

public abstract class GeneratorConfig
    public int CommonProperty {get; set;}

public class AGeneratorConfig : GeneratorConfig
    // Some props specific for AGenerator

public class BGeneratorConfig : GeneratorConfig
    // Some props specific for BGenerator       

At last, I have a client/manager/factory-like class that handles actual generator start process with provided config, but is uses casting concrete to abstract generic class:

public class GeneratorClient
    public static void StartGenerator<T>(T config)
        Generator<T> generator = null;

        if (config is AGeneratorConfig)
            generator = new AGenerator() as Generator<T>; // casting to abstract base class
        else if (config is BGeneratorConfig)
            generator = new BGenerator() as Generator<T>; // casting to abstract base class
            throw new NotImplementedException();


My question: is there any workaround to eliminate the need of casting concrete to abstract base classes?

The most simple solution would be this:

public static void StartGenerator<T>(T config)
    if (config is AGeneratorConfig)
        var generator = new AGenerator();
    else if (config is BGeneratorConfig)
        var generator = new BGenerator();
        throw new NotImplementedException();

but for each newly created concrete Generator object generator.Start(config); needs to be repeated.

Define the generator just as object and cast it to Generator<T> only at the last call:

public static void StartGenerator<T>(T config)
    object generator = null;

    if (config is AGeneratorConfig)
        generator = new AGenerator();
    else if (config is BGeneratorConfig)
        generator = new BGenerator();
        throw new NotImplementedException();


You can use Reflection to call the constructor, and maybe improve you Factory in order to remove those if's.

You can use a dictionary like this:

    private Dictionary<Type, Type> Diccionary;
    public void CreateDicionary()
        Diccionary = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
        Diccionary.Add(typeof(AGeneratorConfig), typeof(AGenerator));
        Diccionary.Add(typeof(BGeneratorConfig), typeof(BGenerator));

then you can have the concrete instance with something like this:

   public Generator<T> GetGenerator<T>()
        var type = typeof(T);
        if (!Diccionary.ContainsKey(type))
            throw new Exception("Not found");

        var typeInstance = Diccionary[type];

        return (Generator<T>) Activator.CreateInstance(typeInstance);

And you use the code above with something similar to this:

 public  void StartGenerator<T>(T config)
        var generator = GetGenerator<T>();

    public static void Main()
        var gen = new GeneratorClient();
        gen.StartGenerator<AGeneratorConfig>(new AGeneratorConfig());

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