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Contract Checking in Maven Build

I'm working on a Java codebase in IJ and currently building with Maven. I would like to supplement some of the code with some form of contracts that will get picked up in the Maven build . So far, I've been unsuccessful in my search for such a capability off the shelf:

  • OpenJML , but that seems to require its own tool to analyse your code and I couldn't find a way to integrate it easily into the build.
  • Jetbrains Contracts . These will raise a warning in IntelliJ via an inspection, but they don't affect the build.

Note: I only care about compile-time-checkable contracts here. I have JUnit to throw at the Runtime side of things.

Contracts to Enforce:

I've added this section to answer the comment asking what kind of contracts I'd like to enforce. Ideally, I'd like the most powerful solution possible conditional on that solution being complete . When I say complete here I mean a language of contracts & a contract checker such that every statement in the language can be checked as good/bad by the checker at compile time. I'm aware this may be a big ask, but I'd be happy with even the simplest of contracts eg those offered by Jetbrains .

For a concrete example, consider this function:

public static Long safeToLong(String value) {
    if (value == null) {
      return null;
    try {
      return Long.parseLong(value);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      return null;

This successfully passes the Jetbrains contract:

@Contract("null -> null")

And fails this contrived contract:

@Contract("null -> !null")

But with the above, contrived, bad contract, the Maven build still works just fine. The build doesn't pick up the inspection results- these are only visible from within IJ. I'd like to be able to hook into the build and fail if any contracts are violated.

Here is a solution, that works for IntelliJ Contracts. It's a bit messy, but it works:

  • Download/clone Bentolor's CLI inspector tool into your working directory ie the directory where the .idea folder is
  • Create an IJ inspection profile with just these inspections enabled: Constant conditions and exceptions and Contract Issues
  • Create an inspection scope if you like - this will restrict your inspections to run only on certain files
  • Edit that .ideainspect file that comes with Bentolor's tool, setting your inspection profile & scope that you've just defined, or use project defaults if you haven't defined any
  • Also in the .ideainspect file, set the ideahome property to the path where you've insalled IJ eg ideahome= C:\\Program Files (x86)\\JetBrains\\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 15.0.6
  • Finally, to include this in the Maven build, add the following to your POM.xml:
        <!-- any version of Groovy \>= 1.5.0 should work here -->


If you get this EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION bug while running the inspections, you may be able to fix it by adding -Dswing.noxp=true to the end of the file bin\\idea64.exe.vmoptions where IJ is installed- the fix is documented at the end of this IJ crash thread .

Gradle Variant

To add this to your Gradle build it's simpler than in the Maven case. Just add this task to your build.gradle file:

task inspect(type:Exec) {
  workingDir '/idea-cli-inspector'

  //on windows:
  commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'groovy ideainspect.groovy'

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