cost 161 ms
Validate basic set operations in JML

How do I verify basic set operations such as intersect, union and difference in JML tool like OpenJML in which keywords like "\intersect \set_minus \s ...

2019-10-03 17:41:25   1   23    jml  
How is 'decreases' in JML defined?

The statement after decreases has to get strictly smaller in each loop and always be non-zero. But does it have to reach 0? Does it have to get smalle ...

2015-03-05 12:42:29   1   371    jml  
What does 'assignable a, a[*];' mean?

I've recently read the following JML code in an old exam: I don't understand the part. What does a[*] mean? What would be different if there was ...

2015-03-04 05:18:48   1   214    jml  
How to use jmlc, jmlunit with OpenJML?

I have installed OpenJML tool ( for the Eclipse and was using it and it worked quite well. However, now I need to call the jmlc ...

2015-01-31 11:49:04   1   451    java / jml  
OpenJML with generics?

I have a class When I run it through OpenJML, this happens: error: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable. Please report the ...

2014-05-06 08:47:40   2   284    java / jml  

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