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Query to get all subtasks associated to stories with some labels in Jira

I have user stories in Jira with some labels A,B,C for example. But at subtasks level there is no labeling. Now I need to fetch count of all user stories of that label, their tasks and subtasks.

How can I get subtasks which have no labels but linked to labelled user stories?

Hi you can use the following JQL if you have scriptrunner;

( issue IN subtasksOf('type=Story and labels in (label1, label2)') or issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf('type=Story and labels in (label1, label2)')  ) and labels is EMPTY

It both finds the subtasks and linked issues of the story labeled as label1 and label2. It also filters the issues with own labels...

issuetype in (Task-Agile, Sub-task) AND issueFunction in subtasksOf("Issuetype = story")

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