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Why vuejs array shows empty even if it not?

I have a list of checkbox which is dynamic. Whenever I click on the checkbox, it is binded to the data array. The index is provided as the top company name. But the array shows empty when I log the array. But if I iterate through it and log again, it shows the values. In JS we cannot set the array index directly. Is that the problem? Code:

new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {

    topCompanies: [{
            "doc_count": 221,
            "key": "a"
            "doc_count": 175,
            "key": "b"
            "doc_count": 149,
            "key": "c"
            "doc_count": 126,
            "key": "d"
            "doc_count": 116,
            "key": "e"
            "doc_count": 115,
            "key": "f"
            "doc_count": 94,
            "key": "g"
            "doc_count": 89,
            "key": "h"
            "doc_count": 75,
            "key": "h"
            "doc_count": 72,
            "key": "i"
    collapse1: false,
    checked_company: []
methods: {
    getResultsByCompany(result) {
        temp = []
        for (i in this.checked_company) {

<div id="app">

<div id="sidebar-wrapper">
      <button class="collapsible" @click="collapse1=!collapse1">Top Companies</button>
      <div v-if="collapse1" class="content" v-bind:style="{'display': 'block'}">
          <div class="list-group" v-for = "(result,index) in topCompanies" :key="result.id">
          <label class="container check-an" :id="index" @change = "getResultsByCompany(result.key)">{{ result.key}}({{result.doc_count }})
              <input type="checkbox" v-model="checked_company[result.key]">
              <span class="checkmark"></span>

js fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Lbkx5zdt/

You declare checked_company as an array, but you treat it as an object checked_company[result.key]

If you want to save all checked company key in an array, then your checkbox code should be

<input type="checkbox" :value="result.key" v-model="checked_company">

Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/ittus/9jya1gas/

I see you seem missing several div tags

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>

<div id="app">

    <div id="sidebar-wrapper">
          <button class="collapsible" @click="collapse1=!collapse1">Top Companies</button>
          <div v-if="collapse1" class="content" v-bind:style="{'display': 'block'}">
              <div class="list-group" v-for = "(result,index) in topCompanies" :key="result.id">
              <label class="container check-an" :id="index" @change = "getResultsByCompany(result.key)">{{ result.key}}({{result.doc_count }})
                  <input type="checkbox" v-model="checked_company[result.key]">
                  <span class="checkmark"></span>


It make vuejs don't know el scope

I'm not really sure this will be the issue but have you checked that 'this' refers to the correct object? Potentially you could assign a variable to new Vue and reference the object globally. Hope it helps.

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