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Commands Not Showing in Command Palette with RegReplace (Sublime Text 3)

I'm trying to run a series of commands with the RegReplace plugin in Sublime Text 3 but I cannot get the command to load and I cannot get the keybindings to work either. I have no clue what's wrong.

Steps Taken:

  • Installed RegReplace
  • Opened the Command Palette
  • Searched for "RegReplace: Create New Regular Expression"
  • Modified the Rule to the following

    """ If you don't need a setting, just leave it as None. When the rule is parsed, the default will be used. Each variable is evaluated separately, so you cannot substitute variables in other variables. """ # name (str): Rule name. Required. name = "extract_variables" # find (str): Regular expression pattern or literal string. # Use (?i) for case insensitive. Use (?s) for dotall. # See https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/re.html for more info on regex flags. # Required unless "scope" is defined. find = r".*\\[(.*[^(<|>)]*?)\\].*" # replace (str - default=r'\\g<0>'): Replace pattern. replace = r"\\1" # literal (bool - default=False): Preform a non-regex, literal search and replace. literal = None # literal_ignorecase (bool - default=False): Ignore case when "literal" is true. literal_ignorecase = None # scope (str): Scope to search for and to apply optional regex to. # Required unless "find" is defined. scope = None # scope_filter ([str] - default=[]): An array of scope qualifiers for the match. # Only used when "scope" is not defined. # # - Any instance of scope qualifies match: scope.name # - Entire match of scope qualifies match: !scope.name # - Any instance of scope disqualifies match: -scope.name # - Entire match of scope disqualifies match: -!scope.name scope_filter = None # greedy (bool - default=True): Apply action to all instances (find all). # Used when "find" is defined. greedy = None # greedy_scope (bool - default=True): Find all the scopes specified by "scope." greedy_scope = None # format_replace (bool - default=False): Use format string style replace templates. # Works only for Regex (with and without Backrefs) and Re (with Backrefs). # See http://facelessuser.github.io/backrefs/#format-replacements for more info. format_replace = None # selection_inputs (bool -default=False): Use selection for inputs into find pattern. # Global setting "selection_only" must be disabled for this to work. selection_inputs = None # multi_pass (bool - default=False): Perform multiple sweeps on the scope region to find # and replace all instances of the regex when regex cannot be formatted to find # all instances. Since a replace can change a scope, this can be useful. multi_pass = None # plugin (str): Define replace plugin for more advanced replace logic. plugin = None # args (dict): Arguments for 'plugin'. args = None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # test: Here you can setup a test command. This is not saved and is just used for this session. # - replacements ([str]): A list of regex rules to sequence together. # - find_only (bool): Highlight current find results and prompt for action. # - action (str): Apply the given action (fold|unfold|mark|unmark|select). # This overrides the default replace action. # - options (dict): optional parameters for actions (see documentation for more info). # - key (str): Unique name for highlighted region. # - scope (str - default="invalid"): Scope name to use as the color. # - style (str - default="outline"): Highlight style (solid|underline|outline). # - multi_pass (bool): Repeatedly sweep with sequence to find all instances. # - no_selection (bool): Overrides the "selection_only" setting and forces no selections. # - regex_full_file_with_selections (bool): Apply regex search to full file then apply # action to results under selections. test = { "replacements": ["extract_variables"], "find_only": True, "action": None, "options": {}, "multi_pass": False, "no_selection": False, "regex_full_file_with_selections": False }

This code Generates the following in AppData\\Roaming\\Sublime Text 3\\Packages\\User\\reg_replace_rules.sublime-settings

            "find": ".*\\[(.*[^(<|>)]*?)\\].*",
            "name": "extract_variables",
            "replace": "\\1"

And then I created the following command under the same directory with filename Default.sublime-commands

        "caption": "Reg Replace: Extract ERS Variables",
        "command": "extract_ers_variables",
        "args": {
            "replacements": [

After saving all of this, I still do not see the command in the command palette and it didn't show when I tried to save it as a keymap either.

Any help is much appreciated

The reason this doesn't work for you is that you have the command wrong in your Default.sublime-commands file. In particular, the command extract_ers_variables does not exist, so the entry for it in the command palette is hidden because selecting it wouldn't do anything. Visually speaking, if this command was in a sublime-menu file, the entry in the menu would appear disabled.

If you select Preferences > Package Settings > RegReplace > Quick Start Guide from the menu and follow through the example that's displayed, note that when it comes to the part about creating the command entry in Default.sublime-commands , it tells you to use reg_replace as the command, and the name of the replacements argument is what tells the command which replacement to do.

As such, your entry should look more like:

        "caption": "Reg Replace: Extract ERS Variables",
        "command": "reg_replace",
        "args": {
            "replacements": [

Came here with my own troubles and may as well document my dumb mistakes. I know nothing of JSON.

When adding two replacements used together going by the examples at the developer's site , I could not get the command to show up in the Command Palette. I could get a keybinding to work, but it gave error messages that the first replacement could not be found…after having successfully used it. The culprit was a malformed reg_replace_rules.sublime-settings file:

        //other stuff

        //stuff, comma
        //other stuff

Fixing that cleared up the error message, but the command still would not appear in the Command Palette. The problem there was more bad JSON, this time in Default.sublime-commands .

    "caption": "My Command",
    "command": "reg_replace",
    "args": {"replacements": ["rep_one", "rep_two"]}

        "caption": "My Command",
        "command": "reg_replace",
        "args": {"replacements": ["rep_one", "rep_two"]}

This is probably obvious to people who have learned JSON properly and use it regularly, and perhaps one day I will be one of those.

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