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skip the /data & / partition from output for fstab

I have the below output, i want to get rid of /data & / as well in the output.

cat /etc/fstab  | egrep -v '^#' | awk '{print $2}'| grep -i "^/" | egrep -v '/etc/fstab|proc|sys|shm|pts|/apps|/boot|home|/opt|/var|/var|/crash|/tmp|"' > /tmp/mounts.txt



I just need /data/logs/mount1 & /data/logs/mount2 to be displayed. Any suggestions ?

Thanks, KG

awk can do all that your pipeline does:

awk '
    # skip comments and empty lines
    $1 ~ /^#/ || NF == 0 {next}
    # skip mountpoints not beginning with a slash
    $2 ~/^[^/]/ {next}
    # skip / and /data
    $2 == "/" || $2 == "/data" {next}
    {print $2}
' /etc/fstab

or, if you're a fan of linenoise:

awk 'NF&&$1!~/^#/&&$2!~/^[^/]/&&$2!="/"&&$2!="/data" {print $2}' /etc/fstab

Add " | grep /data/" that will not match / and /data.

For your example that is:

cat /etc/fstab  | egrep -v '^#' | awk '{print $2}'| grep -i "^/" | egrep -v '/etc/fstab|proc|sys|shm|pts|/apps|/boot|home|/opt|/var|/var|/crash|/tmp|"' | grep /data/ > /tmp/mounts.txt

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