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Unity Shader Graph: How to speed up time from Time node?

I'm trying to use Sine Time output from Time node but I want it to be faster.

If this is done in a Unity c#, I would try to something like this

totalTime += Time.deltaTime * speed;

value = Mathf.PingPong(totalTime, 1);

but I can't do this in Shader Graph. How to solve this problem?

EDIT1: I also try to create custom node fuction but this will result in error.

static string PingPongFunction(
    [Slot(0, Binding.None)] Vector1 t,
    [Slot(1, Binding.None)] Vector1 length,
    [Slot(2, Binding.None)] out Vector1 Out)
                Out = Mathf.PingPong(t, length);

Feed time as x to sin(x) and multiply time with a number to speed it up.


I would do it like this pass your time into A on the multiply node and then you can either manually set B to 2 to go twice as fast or add a new vector1 property so you can change it from the inspector.


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