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How do i set up a SOAP webservice

First off a little context, I work for a channel manager company that builds custom endpoints for their clients to talk to. We currently mostly code in c#.

This is the first time we are connecting with a client that asked us to support a soap web service.

Sadly, we don't have previous experience in this and I can't find any concrete explanations to what it looks like to support a SOAP call.

Currently, it looks like that I have to simply use text processing methods to run through the received XML and parse it in a non-generic way.

But this feels like there should be a more straightforward approach since the protocol is almost 20 years old.

For almost every search result I only get examples of what the XML looks like, but what I'm interested in, is what I need to implement in my application to host an endpoint for the client to successfully post and receive a SOAP message from. And if there is a way to do this without something like XmlWriters/Readers.

Anything to help me get on my way mary is appreciated!

Greetings, Davey

WCF is the least outdated library for offering SOAP.

When you can define the contracts then you're in luck, that's just writing a C# interface.

But when necessary you can also import WSDL specifications and generate C# from that.

it looks like that I have to simply use text processing methods to run through the received XML and parse it

Don't even consider that. Everything is under control of schemas. And you will also have to generate valid return packages.

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