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Camel doCatch and onException priority

I have a route with doTry() - doCatch() pair for a specific route and onException() in general.

    .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "An error occurred: ${exception.stacktrace}")
    .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, constant(500));

            .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "EXCEPTION: ${exception.stacktrace}")
            .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, constant(500))
            .marshal(new JsonDataFormat(JsonLibrary.Jackson))

Internal route throws a plain java.lang.Exception

 throw new Exception("Catch me if you can!");

I expected the exception to be caught in doCatch() and logging and pocessing operations to be executed. However, onException() is invoked instead.

Does onException() have a higher prority? In my understanding local catch is more prioritized.

PS Removing onException() makes doCatch() invoked. However I have reasons to keep both. Camel version is: org.apache.camel:camel-cxf:

IMHO it's not a question of priority but more a question of design/implementation. See the doc:

"The onException clause is a mechanism for trapping, rather than catching exceptions. That is, once you define an onException clause, it traps exceptions that occur at any point in a route"

When you have a doTry .. doCatch block and you call another route, such as you do via


Then you need to turn off error handling on that route, eg in


If you want all error handling to happen via the doTry .. doCatch block only.

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