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Catching an exception thrown in a Thread

I need to know if an exception that happens inside a method called by a Thread can be catch in the main application. I'm doing a Windows forms application and one of the things I have to do is store some data in a database, but I need to inform the user if, for some reason, the operation was unsuccessful (eg if the application couldn't connect to the database). The thing is that I have to call the method to insert the values in the DB from a new Thread, and, therefore, I use the try;catch blocks from inside that method. But if an error occur and the exception is thrown there is nobody able to catch it so the program crashes. I have been doing some google search but all that I could find recommended to use the class Task instead of Thread, but, because this is an assignment from my university, I need to use Threads.

So, is there a way to "transfer" the exception from a Thread to the main thread of the application ? Here's my code so far:

    //This is how I create the new Thread
    public static Correo operator +(Correo c, Paquete p)
        foreach (Paquete paq in c.Paquetes)
            if (paq == p)
                throw new TrackingIDRepetidoException("El paquete ya se encuentra cargado en la base de datos");
        Thread hilo = new Thread(p.MockCicloDeVida);
        return c; 

    public void MockCicloDeVida()
        while (this.Estado != EEstado.Entregado)
            this.Estado += 1;
            this.InformaEstado(this, new EventArgs());
            // A simple method to insert an object in a DB. The try catch to check if the connection to the DB was succesfull or not is implemented here.
        catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException e)
            // I can't catch the exception here

Any help or tips is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I would use this very useful class: TaskCompletionSource

var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
var th = new Thread(() => MockCicloDeVida(tcs));
    var returnedObj = tcs.Task.Result;
catch(AggregateException aex)

public void MockCicloDeVida(TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs )
    tcs.TrySetException(new Exception("something bad happened"));
    //tcs.TrySetResult(new SomeObject());

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