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django multiple filter options on queryset

We have 2 approach ideas that we are trying to consider here for the Django REST api.

At the moment, we have implemented 1 filter option:

class APINewsViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    serializer_class = APINewsSerialiser

    def get_queryset(self):
        queryset = NewsBackup.objects.all()
        source = self.request.query_params.get('source', None)
        if source is not None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(news_source = source)
        return queryset

This achieves:

Something additional that we would like to do is have other filter options that the user can type in such as which would then return them the JSON object with only data that has a source_id of xx and source_name of xx.

Is this possible with the Django REST framework? We have tried to add other options within the method:


You can place the filters in a dictionary and then use the dictionary as the filter. Even better you can create a valid filters that safeguards invalid filters. Something like below:

# {'queryparam': 'db_field'}
valid_filters = {
    'source': 'news_source',
    'source_name': 'source_name',

filters = {valid_filters[key]: value for key, value in self.request.query_params.items() if key in valid_filters.keys()}

# So if the query_params is like this: source=xxx&source_name=xxx
# filters value will look something like below:
    'news_source': 'xxx',
    'source_name': 'xxx',
# **filters transforms the filters to: (news_source='xxx', source_name='xxx')
queryset = queryset.filter(**filters)

Or if you don't want to customize it heavily, you can use third party packages like Django Filter

UPDATE If you want to get the multiple values for example: id=1&id=2 , you can use getlist

ids = self.request.query_params.getlist('id')
# ids will have the list of id
# ids = [1, 2]
# you can then query the id
queryset = queryset.filter(id__in=ids)

UPDATE 2 If you want to support multiple filters, you can create a dictionary again:

keys = [
filters = {}
for key in keys:
    filter = query_params.getlist(key)
    if filter:
        filters['{}__in'.format(key)] = filter

queryset = queryset.filter(**filters)

You can add the validation if you want.

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