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I create input fields based on my fetched data, but how can I only target the input fields with a value

So, I have a JSON file with syllables , however I have 4 syllable inputs that all go to the JSON file like this:

    "main_object": {
        "id": "new",
        "getExerciseTitle": "TestWithNewCMS",
        "language": "nl_NL",
        "application": "lettergrepen",
        "main_object": {
            "title": "TestWithNewCMS",
            "language": "nl_NL",
            "exercises": [{
                    "word": "banaan",
                    "syllables": [
                    "word": "Computervrienden",
                    "syllables": [
        "dataType": "json"

I have in my front-end a loop that creates input fields based on the syllables (but it DOES NOT fetch the syllables itself. it only creates input fields based on the syllables). What I want to do however is: It should ONLY create the amount of inputs based on syllables that have a value.

going by the JSON file above it would be:

2 input fields for the first one and 3 for the second one, because as you can see I have empty slots aswell. right now it displays 4 input fields, so it creates for the empty slots one aswell. but I only want input fields to be created on the amount of syllables given a value to. (I hope this made sense, tried explaining as good as I could)

this is my code that loops through everything:

function createExercise(json) {
    const exercises = json.main_object.main_object.exercises;

    var exerciseArea = $('<div/>', {
        id: 'exerciseField',
        'class': 'col-md-12'

    $.map(exercises, function (exercise, i) {

        var exer = $('<div/>', {
            'class': 'row form-group'

        var colLeft = $('<div/>', {
            'class': 'col-md-3'

        var row = $('<div/>', {
            'class': 'row'

        var audCol = $('<div>', {
            class: 'col-md-3 audioButton'

        var wordCol = $('<div>', {
            class: 'col-md-9 ExerciseWordFontSize exerciseWord',
            'id': 'wordInput[' + ID123 + ']',
            text: exercise.word
        row.append(audCol, wordCol);

        var sylCol = $('<div>', {
            class: 'col-md-9'

        var sylRow = $('<div/>', {
            class: 'row'

        $.map(exercise.syllables, function (syllable, j) {
            var innerSylCol = $('<div/>', {
                class: 'col-md-3 inputSyllables'

            var sylInput = $('<input/>', {
                'type': 'text',
                'class': 'form-control syl-input',
                'name': 'testid'



        exer.append(colLeft, sylCol);

    return exerciseArea;

A trivial way to handle this would be to check the value of the syllable before appending/creating it's element.

function createExercise(json) {
    const exercises = json.main_object.main_object.exercises;

    var exerciseArea = $('<div/>', {
        id: 'exerciseField',
        'class': 'col-md-12'

    $.map(exercises, function (exercise, i) {

        var exer = $('<div/>', {
            'class': 'row form-group'

        var colLeft = $('<div/>', {
            'class': 'col-md-3'

        var row = $('<div/>', {
            'class': 'row'

        var audCol = $('<div>', {
            class: 'col-md-3 audioButton'

        var wordCol = $('<div>', {
            class: 'col-md-9 ExerciseWordFontSize exerciseWord',
            'id': 'wordInput[' + ID123 + ']',
            text: exercise.word
        row.append(audCol, wordCol);

        var sylCol = $('<div>', {
            class: 'col-md-9'

        var sylRow = $('<div/>', {
            class: 'row'

        $.map(exercise.syllables, function (syllable, j) {
            // Code to check if the syllable exists and is not an empty string
                // If it doesn't exist or is an empty string, return early without creating/appending elements
            var innerSylCol = $('<div/>', {
                class: 'col-md-3 inputSyllables'

            var sylInput = $('<input/>', {
                'type': 'text',
                'class': 'form-control syl-input',
                'name': 'testid'



        exer.append(colLeft, sylCol);

    return exerciseArea;

Quick unrelated note: $.map is useful when you want to create a list from another jQuery list. In this case $.each would make more sense semantically as we don't need to create another list but just iterate over one.

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