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R matching patterns: vector and column

I have a vector:

vector_1 <- c('aa1/10', 'aa1/20', 'aa2/10') 

And I have a data frame, with the column: product (some rows are empty)



I want to have another column, called: check. If one of the values in my vector_1 is in the column product, then I want to have a 1, else a 0.

I tried different things, but they didn't work out:

df$check <- ifelse(df$product %in% vector_1, 1,0)

Unfortunately, no results... So I tried:

df$check <- grepl(vector_1, df$product)

But there I received an warning message: In grep: argument pattern has lenght >1 and only the first element will be used.

How can I solve this?


product            check
hello123             0 
hello123;aa1/20      1
World                0
df$check <- as.numeric(grepl(pattern = paste0(vector_1, collapse = "|"), x = df$product))

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