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How do I get get the value of a cell & store into variable with Pandas?

I have a dataframe with latitude and longitude stored.

I am doing a for loop where I need to take the values of the current row contained within each and store as variables I can then use to do some geocoding work with.

If I do something like:

for r in df:
latitude = df['latitude']

This returns the latitude WITH the index. How do I just get the value without the index so I can do the work I need within the loop?

The following should work:

latitude = latitude.values[0]

.values accesses the numpy representation of a pandas.DataFrame Assuming your code latitude = df['latitude'] really results in a DataFrame of shape (1,1) , then the above should work.

import pandas as pd

# Create a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame([

# Select data and set it to a variable
account_value = df.loc[df['AcctNum'] == '0003']['AcctValue'].values[0]
print account_value

You can Try something like this. This works for me. DF.iloc[2].Name

Here 2 is the row , and the Name is the column name. You can do an iteration in while loop after that.

Hope this helps.

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