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Getting 'E488: Trailing characters' With the following function

Does anyone know why I'm getting the following error? I'm mapping the following function

function! ToggleCompileErrors()
         :if w:syntastic_is_open == 1
                 :call SyntasticReset()<CR>
                 let w:syntastic_is_open = 0
                 :call SyntasticCheck()<CR>
                 let w:syntastic_is_open = 1

With this command

command ToggleCompileErrors :call ToggleCompileErrors()

and it is getting called by the following keymapping

nnoremap <Leader>b :ToggleCompileErrors<CR>

And I don't know if it makes a difference but I am using neovim 0.2.2

Watch your modes. That <CR> :help key-notation is necessary for mappings , but not inside functions, which use Ex commands .

Likewise, you don't need to prefix commands inside a function with : (and this is rather odd here, especially because you're not even consistent about it). : is a normal mode command that enters command-line mode . As commands in a function already are Ex commands, the : is not needed.

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