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Android Development and retrofit

My Question is simple i want to retrieve my github repos with the help github api using retrofit in android, So i am little confuse how to pass my github username to url i have tried but it give me error message. This is my webservice URL for retrieving my github repos : https://api.github.com/users/mshahzaib374/repos . Here you can see my username is mshahzaib374 , So how can i pass my username to url as parameter. I hope you understand my question, I am attaching code snippets and error screen please see it, Thanks for advance.

Retrofit homepage contains sample code that very similar to what you want:

public interface GitHubService {
  Call<List<Repo>> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);

So, to insert username in URL you have to substitute part of URL with some name in curly braces and add corresponding parameter to method marked with @Path("<your parameter name>") annotation.

You can make a GET API call like this

GET /users/:username/repos

Check this out the official GIT api documentation.

Hope it helps you.

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