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How to parse this JSON in Java?

I'm currently working on a test app for android and need to parse the JSON test data.

The JSON looks like this:

{"id":1,"name":"Test Test","questions":[{"id":1,"test":1,"text":"Kannst du diese Frage beantworten?","answers":[{"id":1,"question":1,"text":"Ja, das ist richtig.","correct":1},{"id":2,"question":1,"text":"Diese Antwort ist falsch.","correct":0},{"id":3,"question":1,"text":"Diese hier ist ebenfalls nicht so ganz korrekt.","correct":0}]},{"id":2,"test":1,"text":"Diese Frage hier ist nicht korrekt.","answers":[{"id":4,"question":2,"text":"Ich glaube dir nicht, das hier ist eh richtig.","correct":1},{"id":5,"question":2,"text":"Diese Antwort ist falsch.","correct":0},{"id":6,"question":2,"text":"Diese hier ist ebenfalls nicht so ganz korrekt.","correct":0}]}]}

What I need is to extract the questions and its' child data.

What I tried is:

JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(result);
String test = jObject.getJSONObject("id").getJSONArray("questions").toString();


String myString = jObject .getJSONObject("questions").getJSONObject("answers").getString("text");

Parse your data like this :

public class DataModel {
    int id;
    String name;
    ArrayList<Question> questions = new ArrayList<>();

    public class Question {
        int id;
        int test;
        String text;
        ArrayList<Answers> answers = new ArrayList<>();

    public class Answers {
        int id;
        int question;
        String text;
        int correct;

    public DataModel parseResponce(JSONObject response) {
        id = response.optInt("id");
        name = response.optString("name");
        JSONArray array = response.optJSONArray("questions");
        return this;

    public void parseQuestion(JSONArray questions) {
        for (int i = 0; i < questions.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject object = questions.optJSONObject(i);
            Question question = new Question();
            question.id = object.optInt("id");
            question.test = object.optInt("test");
            question.text = object.optString("text");
            JSONArray array = object.optJSONArray("answers");
            for (int j = 0; j < array.length(); j++) {
                JSONObject answer = questions.optJSONObject(i);
                Answers ans = new Answers();
                ans.id = answer.optInt("id");
                ans.question = answer.optInt("question");
                ans.text = answer.optString("text");
                ans.correct = answer.optInt("correct");

Just call the parseResponce(JSONObject response) method and pass you response you will get question and answers inside the DataModel object;

 try {
                            JSONObject data = new JSONObject(result);
                            int id = data.getInt("id");
                            String name=data.getString("name");
                            JSONArray list_question=data.getJSONArray("questions");
                            int length=list_question.length();
                            for (int i=0;i<length;i++){
                                JSONObject question=list_question.getJSONObject(i);
                                int question_id=question.getInt("id");
                                int test=question.getInt("test");
                                String question_text=question.getString("text");
                                JSONArray list_answer=question.getJSONArray("answers");
                                int lenght_answer=list_answer.length();
                                for (int j=0;i<lenght_answer;i++){
                                    JSONObject answer=list_answer.getJSONObject(j);

                                    int answer_id=answer.getInt("id");
                                    int que=answer.getInt("question");
                                    String answer_text=answer.getString("text");
                                    int status=answer.getInt("correct");


                        }catch (JSONException ex){}

Try this

            String id = response.getString("id");
            String name = response.getString("name");
            JSONArray questionsArray = response.getJSONArray("questions");
            for(int i = 0; i <questionsArray.length(); i++)
                JSONObject jsonObject = questionsArray.getJSONObject(i);
                String sid = jsonObject.getString("id");
                String stest = jsonObject.getString("test");
                String stext = jsonObject.getString("text");
                JSONArray answersArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("answers");
                for(int j=0; j<answersArray.length(); j++)
                    JSONObject jsonObjectAns = answersArray.getJSONObject(j);
                    String sidAns = jsonObject.getString("id");
                    String stextquestion = jsonObject.getString("question");
                    String stextAns = jsonObject.getString("text");
                    String scorrectAns = jsonObject.getString("correct");

        } catch (JSONException e)

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