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How to push_back existing objects to a vector of shared pointers?

Using raw pointers, I can create a vector of pointers and push_back addresses like so:

Entity objEntity;
std::vector<Entity*> Entities;

If I instead use a vector of shared pointers:

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Entity>> Entities;

... how do I push_back the addresses?

From what I understand, std::shared_ptr::reset is used in order to assign the address of an existing object to a smart pointer. Do I need to first create a temporary pointer, call reset, and then push_back?

std::shared_ptr<Entity> temp;

When creating smart pointers, it's best to go with their std::make_* functions. vector::push_back is overloaded for rvalue references, invoking it like this


will hence construct an element in the vector by moving the std::shared_ptr you passed in, hence no performance hit due to modifying the control block of the smart pointer here. Note also that vector::emplace_back can't be used with std::make_shared but instead only with a raw pointer, which should be avoided for the sake of exception handling and brevity (passing a raw pointer requires to manually create an Entity instance on the heap).

You can use emplace_back to construct a new shared pointer:

Entity* entity = new Entity;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Entity>> Entities;

If you add address of an existing object, you will attempt to free the memory twice, because destructor of the shared pointer destroys the object:

Entity entity;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Entity>> Entities;
// What happens when entity and shared pointer both go out of scope??

To avoid this, you either need to construct the object with new or make a copy when you create the shared pointer.

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