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SPARQL query for retrieving all object properties about one individual (in Protege)

I have data for 20 breeds as individual and their costs, energy level, adaptability level, hypoallergenic, and the purposes of having them as object properties . I want to retrieve all object properties in individual.

so far this is my query:

PREFIX dog: <http://www.owl-ontologies.com/guguk_test.owl#>
    ?dog dog:hasAdaptability ?adaptability .
    ?dog dog:hasCost ?cost .
    ?dog dog:hasEnergy ?energy .
    ?dog dog:hasHypoallergenic ?hypoallergenic .
    ?dog dog:hasPurpose ?purpose .

the result show all the breeds ( individual ) with all the object properties

this is screenshot of the result 结果的屏幕截图

I need to select just 1 breed ( individual ) and object properties of that breed.

I already try this query but the result was: no matches found .

PREFIX dog: <http://www.owl-ontologies.com/guguk_test.owl#>
    ?dog dog:hasBreeds dog:Basenji .
    ?dog dog:hasAdaptability ?adaptability .
    ?dog dog:hasCost ?cost .
    ?dog dog:hasEnergy ?energy .
    ?dog dog:hasHypoallergenic ?hypoallergenic .
    ?dog dog:hasPurpose ?purpose .

Try this...

PREFIX dog: <http://www.owl-ontologies.com/guguk_test.owl#>

    VALUES ?dog { dog:Basenji } .
    ?dog dog:hasAdaptability ?adaptability .
    ?dog dog:hasCost ?cost .
    ?dog dog:hasEnergy ?energy .
    ?dog dog:hasHypoallergenic ?hypoallergenic .
    ?dog dog:hasPurpose ?purpose .

Note that you can use variables for properties too. This query will fetch them all, even if you change your ontology :

PREFIX dog: <http://www.owl-ontologies.com/guguk_test.owl#>

    dog:Basenji ?property ?value

Alternatively, you can use the BIND operator to assign the breed you want to retrieve to a variable.

PREFIX dog: <http://www.owl-ontologies.com/guguk_test.owl#>

    BIND (dog:Basenji AS ?dog)

    ?dog ?property ?value

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