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Which newline character is in my CSV?

We receive a .tar.gz file from a client every day and I am rewriting our import process using SSIS. One of the first steps in my process is to unzip the .tar.gz file which I achieve via a Python script.

After unzipping we are left with a number of CSV files which I then import into SQL Server. As an aside, I am loading using the CozyRoc DataFlow Task Plus.

Most of my CSV files load without issue but I have five files which fail. By reading the log I can see that the process is reading the Header and First line as though there is no HeaderRow Delimiter (ie it is trying to import the column header as ColumnHeader1ColumnValue1

I took one of these CSVs, copied the top 5 rows into Excel, used Text-To-Columns to delimit the data then saved that as a new CSV file. This version imported successfully .

That makes me think that somehow the original CSV isn't using {CR}{LF} as the row delimiter but I don't know how to check. Any suggestions?

I ended up using the suggestion commented by @ vahdet because I already had notepad++ installed. I can't find the same option in EmEditor but it may exist

For those who are curious, the files are using {LF} which is consistent with the other files. My investigation continues...

Seeing that you have EmEditor, you can use EmEditor to find the eol character in two ways:

  1. Use View > Character Code Value... at the end of a line to display a dialog box showing information about the character at the current position.
  2. Go to View > Marks and turn on Newline Characters and CR and LF with Different Marks to show the eol while editing. LF is displayed with a down arrow while CRLF is a right angle.

Some other things you could try checking for are: file encoding, wrong type of data for a field and an inconsistent number of columns.

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