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ExtJS: Setting defaults to panel items for nested objects

This question is part of How to set defaults for Grid columns within initComponent and posted here independently through @scebotari66 advice on main post.

As you'll notice below; there is Ext.Array.map to define defaults for related function.

// Statment
    initComponent: function () {
    var me = this;
    me.items = Ext.Array.merge(
        Ext.Array.map(me.getForm(), function (listFldConfig) { //Aim to using the array map function to set flex property for subset fields
            listFldConfig.flex = 1;
            return listFldConfig;

// Implementation
getForm: function () {
        var me = this;
        var form = [
            { // Array.map func. sets `flex` to this obj.
                xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
                layout: { type: 'vbox', align: 'stretch', pack: 'start' },
                items: [
                        xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
                        layout: 'hbox',
                        items: [
                                xtype: 'foofield',
                                //flex: 1 //But I need to set `flex` as default for this obj. in nested items array
                                xtype: 'barfield',
                                //flex: 1 //But I need to set `flex` as default for this obj. in nested items array

The thing is this implementation is works as expected but on this situation I'm creating a fieldcontainer object which is include all other things and items inside. And Array.map sets flex config only to first fieldcontainer obj. I need to define flex config only for nested items which has foofield and barfield .

Defaults are defined using the defaults config on containers:

xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
layout: 'hbox',
defaults: {
    flex: 1
items: [
        xtype: 'foofield',
        xtype: 'barfield',

To cover nested containers, you can nest multiple defaults configs inside each other:

defaults: {
    defaults: {
        flex: 1
    flex: 1

Please note that an xtype config as part of the defaults object can lead to undesired results, and that you should use the defaultType config to define the default type of child elements of a container.

Through @NarendraJadhav 's opinion; created my own structure...


Ext.define('MyApp.BaseFldCon', {
    extend: 'Ext.form.FieldContainer',
    xtype: 'basefldcon'

Ext.define('MyApp.VBoxFldCon', {
    extend: 'MyApp.BaseFldCon',
    xtype: 'vboxfldcon',
    layout: {
        type: 'vbox',
        align: 'stretch',
        pack: 'start'

Ext.define('MyApp.HBoxFldCon', {
    extend: 'MyApp.BaseFldCon',
    xtype: 'hboxfldcon',
    layout: {
        type: 'hbox'
    defaults: {
        flex: 1


   xtype: 'vboxfldcon',
   items: [
              xtype: 'hboxfldcon',
              items: [
                           xtype: 'foofield',
                           xtype: 'barfield'
                           xtype: 'foocombo'

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