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c++ regex not working as expected (regex_search)

I currently am working on regex in c++ in which I tried to search a substring in a string.

Problem :

String :

<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all denied

<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/dashboard">
Options +Indexes
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

In this I need only the first Directory contents,that is

<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all denied

Hence I used the regex

Regex : < *Directory *\/? *>(\n.*?)+<\/Directory>

In this regex I used a \\n.*? so that it will return the first result(lazy). It works fine when I tried in https://regexr.com but when I use regex_search it shows there isn't a match. How is this possible? Am I missing out anything?

Code :

LPSTR logLocation = "C:\\xampp\\apache\\conf\\httpd.conf";

string logBuffer = RemoveCommentsFromFile(logLocation);


smatch match;
regex regx("< *Directory *\/? *>(\n.*?)+<\/Directory>");


The code basically removes comments from a file and returns it as string.

After hours of wasting time, I finally found a solution that would fit. There are two regex that would fit in this solution.

Solution 1 : < *Directory */? *>(\\n|.*)+?</Directory>

I used the | (OR) in the capture group with a lazy (?) operator to stop with the first match. However, the regex that I posted in the question seems to be working fine in all regex testers.

Solution 2 : < *Directory */? *>(\\s|\\S)+?</Directory>

Just replaced the newline and any character (.) with \\s and \\S.

However, it is known that (\\s|\\S) is same as [\\s\\S] but it looks like the capture group works but the second one does not.

I don't have any idea how it happens!

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