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Systemc - Rounding off sc_time to nearest 10th SC_NS

I am trying to round off the sc_time to the nearest 10 nanoseconds. / is overloaded so it is possible to divide two sc_time . * is also overloaded with a sc_time and a double value. For this code, I am getting 6 and not 10 .

#include <iostream>
#include "systemc.h"


    void a()
    sc_time t(6, SC_NS);
    sc_time t1(10, SC_NS);
    double v = (t / t1) *10;
    std::cout << "sc_time update:/ " << v << "\n";


int sc_main( int , char* [] )
    sc_clock clock;
    X x("x");

    sc_start(1000, SC_NS);

    cout << "Program completed" << endl;
    return 0;

快速浏览一下sc_time标头https://github.com/systemc/systemc-2.3/blob/master/src/sysc/kernel/sc_time.h表示它使用双精度进行数学sc_time ,因此sc_time 6/10*10==6并不奇怪6/10*10==6您需要添加一个明确的回合:

double v = round(t / t1) *10;

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