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Call a SalesForce API from .NET Core Web API and deserialize the response in to a c# object?

I am new to sales force. from my .Net Core Web API I am trying to call my sales force API.

By using below code :

 string new_Contact_url = "some URL";
                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new_Contact_url);
                request.Method = "GET";
                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 00D0E00000019dU!AQUAQK7Mcfutr7Y03dsuuKy9wyMt.GzRCUve6Rll8tDr2APzuHE.J2UjXXYt1vNPiQB5Fn2BCvoC7PwEwN9OLuyTbvTAp8Dj");
                request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                var resp = reader.ReadToEnd();
                var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp);
                //inplace of object I want to convert this into List<AccountDetail>

by using the Curl command in command prompt i get this response as a json

  "eTag" : "355105a",
  "info" : {
    "cloneable" : true,
    "createable" : true,
    "deletable" : true,
    "displayColumns" : [ {
      "fieldApiName" : "Name",
      "label" : "Account Name",
      "sortable" : true
    }, {
      "fieldApiName" : "Parent.Name",
      "label" : "Parent Account",
      "sortable" : true
    }, {
      "fieldApiName" : "Type",
      "label" : "Type",
      "sortable" : true
    }, {
      "fieldApiName" : "Owner.FirstName",
      "label" : "Owner First Name",
      "sortable" : true
    }, {
      "fieldApiName" : "Owner.LastName",
      "label" : "Owner Last Name",
      "sortable" : true
    } ],
    "eTag" : "7e8d2",
    "filterLogicString" : null,
    "filteredByInfo" : [ {
      "fieldApiName" : "CreatedDate",
      "label" : "Created Date",
      "operandLabels" : [ "6-6-2018" ],
      "operator" : "GreaterThan"
    } ],
    "label" : "All Accounts",
    "listReference" : {
      "id" : "00B0N000004w1WaUAI",
      "listViewApiName" : "AllAccounts",
      "objectApiName" : "Account",
      "type" : "listView"
    "orderedByInfo" : [ {
      "fieldApiName" : "Name",
      "isAscending" : true,
      "label" : "Account Name"
    } ],
    "updateable" : true,
    "userPreferences" : {
      "columnWidths" : {
        "Type" : -1,
        "Parent.Name" : -1,
        "Owner.FirstName" : -1,
        "Owner.LastName" : -1,
        "Name" : -1
      "columnWrap" : {
        "Type" : false,
        "Parent.Name" : false,
        "Owner.FirstName" : false,
        "Owner.LastName" : false,
        "Name" : false
    "visibility" : "Public",
    "visibilityEditable" : true
  "records" : {
    "count" : 2,
    "currentPageToken" : "0",
    "currentPageUrl" : "/Account/AllAccounts?pageSize=2&pageToken=0",
    "listInfoETag" : "7e6aa798",
    "nextPageToken" : "2",
    "nextPageUrl" : "/Account/AllAccounts?pageSize=2&pageToken=2",
    "previousPageToken" : null,
    "previousPageUrl" : null,
    "records" : [ {
      "apiName" : "Account",
      "childRelationships" : { },
      "eTag" : "e6aa7986b72",
      "fields" : {
        "CreatedDate" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "2018-06-08T10:49:31.000Z"
        "Id" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "0010E00000M2f7aQAB"
        "LastModifiedDate" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "2018-06-25T09:05:08.000Z"
        "Name" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "-- UNKNOWN --"
        "Owner" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : {
            "apiName" : "User",
            "childRelationships" : { },
            "eTag" : "4686ddfd6281",
            "fields" : {
              "FirstName" : {
                "displayValue" : null,
                "value" : "System"
              "Id" : {
                "displayValue" : null,
                "value" : "0050N000007jHIuQAM"
              "LastName" : {
                "displayValue" : null,
                "value" : "API User"
            "id" : "0050N000007jHIuQAM",
            "recordTypeInfo" : null
        "OwnerId" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "0050N000007jHIuQAM"
        "Parent" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : null
        "ParentId" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : null
        "SystemModstamp" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "2018-06-25T09:05:08.000Z"
        "Type" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : null
      "id" : "0010E00000M2f7aQAB",
      "recordTypeInfo" : null
    }, {
      "apiName" : "Account",
      "childRelationships" : { },
      "eTag" : "815b8ac88",
      "fields" : {
        "CreatedDate" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "2018-06-08T10:48:00.000Z"
        "Id" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "0010"
        "LastModifiedDate" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "2018-06-25T09:04:33.000Z"
        "Name" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "AAA Transportation"
        "Owner" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : {
            "apiName" : "User",
            "childRelationships" : { },
            "eTag" : "4686ddfd62818d54f92a08bd73726606",
            "fields" : {
              "FirstName" : {
                "displayValue" : null,
                "value" : "System"
              "Id" : {
                "displayValue" : null,
                "value" : "0050N000007jHIuQAM"
              "LastName" : {
                "displayValue" : null,
                "value" : "API User"
            "id" : "0050N000007jHIuQAM",
            "recordTypeInfo" : null
        "OwnerId" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "0050N000007jHIuQAM"
        "Parent" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : null
        "ParentId" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : null
        "SystemModstamp" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : "2018-06-25T09:04:33.000Z"
        "Type" : {
          "displayValue" : null,
          "value" : null
      "id" : "0010E000",
      "recordTypeInfo" : null
    } ]

What I understood from this response is there is lot of meta data information in this . The Important part that I wish to get out from response is the records tag

I created the Equivalent C# class from record tag

public class AccountDetail

        public string Etag { get; set; }
        public string CreatedDate { get; set; }
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string LastModifiedDate { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string ApiName { get; set; }

        public List<OwnerDetails> Owners { get; set; }

    public class OwnerDetails
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string ApiName { get; set; }


So How Do I extract information from records tag into a equivalent List of C# object.this line var obj = (List)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp);

You can use Newtonsoft.Json

var files = JObject.Parse(YourJSON);
var recList = files.SelectTokens("$..records..records").ToList();
foreach (JObject obj in recList.Children())
   foreach (JProperty prop in obj.Children())
        var key = prop.Name.ToString();
        var value = prop.Value.ToString();
         //Do your stuffs here


JsonConverter can help you to achieve what you need. Just implement converter for your class with all required rules of filling properties of your object and use it on deserialization like:

List<AccountDetail> accountDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<AccountDetail>>(json, new ListOfAccountDetailsJsonConverter(typeof(List<AccountDetail>)));

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