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I want to add multiple columns in my R dataframe using for loop

I want to add columns with names day2, day3 up to day19 I tried this code but it is not working

for(i in 2:19)

I get the column name as n instead of the value of n

let's say your data.frame is xdf

xnew <- paste("day", 1:19, sep="")
xdf[,c(xnew)] <- 0  # column type will be numeric. change to "" if you wish to make character

you will get this

[1] "myid"  "myday" "myvol" "day1"  "day2"  "day3"  "day4"  "day5"  "day6"  "day7"  "day8"  "day9"  "day10" "day11" "day12" "day13" "day14" "day15" "day16"
[20] "day17" "day18" "day19"

Happy to help given you are new to SO.

Please try below:


# Assume mydata is ttrc    
mydata = ttrc;

# SMA for 5 days - you can also loop it
n = paste("day",5,sep="")

# To assign to mydata use !!
mydata = mutate(mydata,!!n := SMA(Close,5) )

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