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Crystal Report and C#

When I run my C# windows form application that contains Crystal Report. It's asking me to enter the credential for the MySQL db every time. Even though I entered the correct user name and password. it is saying my user name or password is wrong . I have checked the credential many times and entered password is correct.

Follow this instruction.

            TableLogOnInfos TableLogOnInfos = new TableLogOnInfos();
            TableLogOnInfo TableLogOnInfo = new TableLogOnInfo();
            ConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
            Tables Tables;
            ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "ServerName";
            ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "Database";
            ConnectionInfo.UserID = "UserId";
            ConnectionInfo.Password = "Password";
            ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
            string reportPath = Server.MapPath("~/CrystalReport Path");
            Tables = report.Database.Tables;
            foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in Tables)
                TableLogOnInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
                TableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = ConnectionInfo;
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;

When Report will load in meantime always connection string will set.

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