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C# Mongo Driver error: Cannot deserialize a 'Int32' from BsonType 'Document'

Following MongoDB query run fine on Robo3T 1.2 and return correct 'count'.

db.runCommand( {
aggregate: "User",
pipeline: [
{$unwind: '$UserSubscriptions'},
{$group: {
    _id: '$_id',
    codes: {$addToSet: '$UserSubscriptions.Subscription.Publication'}
{$unwind: '$codes'},
{$group: {
    _id: '$codes',
    count: {$sum: 1}
} )

I m trying to convert above query to C# MongoDriver query like this

 var unwind = new BsonDocument { { "$unwind", "$UserSubscriptions" } };
        var group1 = new BsonDocument
                { "$group",
                    new BsonDocument
                            { "_id", new BsonDocument
                                "codes", new BsonDocument
        var unwindCode = new BsonDocument { { "$unwind", "$codes" } };
        var group2 = new BsonDocument
                { "$group",
                    new BsonDocument
                            { "_id", new BsonDocument
                                "codes", new BsonDocument
        var pipeline = new[] { unwind, group1 , unwindCode , group2 };
    var result = coll.Aggregate<T>(pipeline);

But getting error Cannot deserialize a 'Int32' from BsonType 'Document'.

Id is a primary key in collection

public int Id { get; set; }


Please advise how to achieve this.

(Robo 3T 1.2.1) (MongoDB.Driver 2.4.4)

You are trying to deserialize a BsonDocument to 'Int32' by creating a BsonDocument for "_id". You just need to do this:

var group1 = new BsonDocument
        "$group", new BsonDocument
                "_id", "$_id"
                "codes", new BsonDocument
                        "$addToSet", "$UserSubscriptions.Subscription.Publication.Code"

var group2 = new BsonDocument
        "$group", new BsonDocument
                "_id", "$codes"
                "count", new BsonDocument
                        "$sum", 1

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