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How to assign value of nested json property to parent object?

Say I have json that looks like this:

"data": [{
        "name": "United States Department of Homeland Security",
        "TotalCount": 0,
        "UniqueCount": 3,
        "AveragedEntry": {
            "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security",
            "relevance": 0.20341,
        "WeightedEntry": {
            "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security",
            "relevance": "NaN",

What I want is an json array of objects that looks like:

"data": [{
            "name": "United States Department of Homeland Security",
            "TotalCount": 0,
            "UniqueCount": 3,
            "AveragedEntry": 0.20341,
            "WeightedEntry": "NaN"

Where the parent properties AveragedEntry and WeightedEntry are assigned the value of the relevance property.

There are a A LOT of questions about how to loop through / create / manipulate a json object but I have not come across this particular problem I want to solve.

Is this possible using javascript/jquery?

I have tried making a deep copy of my initial json and looping through the object and pushing the nested object with no luck. Any help is appreciated thanks.

 var test = { "data": [{ "name": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "TotalCount": 0, "UniqueCount": 3, "AveragedEntry": { "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "relevance": 0.20341, }, "WeightedEntry": { "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "relevance": "NaN", } }] }; //make a copy of the object var newThing = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(test)); newThing.data.forEach(function(element){ //unnest the values that you want element.AveragedEntry = element.AveragedEntry.relevance; element.WeightedEntry = element.WeightedEntry.relevance; }); //original is not changed console.log(test); //new element exists console.log(newThing); 

Use Array.map

 let data = [{"name": "United States Department of Homeland Security","TotalCount": 0,"UniqueCount": 3,"AveragedEntry": {"text": "United States Department of Homeland Security","relevance": 0.20341,},"WeightedEntry": {"text": "United States Department of Homeland Security","relevance": "NaN",}}]; data = data.map(({AveragedEntry, WeightedEntry, ...rest}) => Object.assign(rest,{AveragedEntry : AveragedEntry.relevance, WeightedEntry : WeightedEntry.relevance})); console.log(data); 

You can use Array.map() to transform the array to desired structure:

 var data = [{ "name": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "TotalCount": 0, "UniqueCount": 3, "AveragedEntry": { "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "relevance": 0.20341, }, "WeightedEntry": { "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "relevance": "NaN", } }]; var res = data.map((obj)=>{ obj.AveragedEntry = obj.AveragedEntry.relevance; obj.WeightedEntry = obj.WeightedEntry.relevance; return obj; }); console.log(res); 

Without specifying AveragedEntry and WeightedEntry ,

You can loop thru the array using map . Use Object.entries to convert the object into an array and use reduce to make a new object.

Check if the value is an object, if it is, use the relevance property.

 let data = [{"name":"United States Department of Homeland Security","TotalCount":0,"UniqueCount":3,"AveragedEntry":{"text":"United States Department of Homeland Security","relevance":0.20341},"WeightedEntry":{"text":"United States Department of Homeland Security","relevance":"NaN"}}]; //Loop each array element using `.map()` //variable o holds the array elements. let result = data.map(o => { //Use `Object.entries()` to convert each array element (object) into an array //This will return a multi dimensional array with element 0 the key and element 1 the value //Variable `k` is the key of the object. Like: name, AveragedEntry, WeightedEntry //Variable `v` is the corresponding value of the key. Like 0 or {"text": "United States Department of Homeland Security","relevance": 0.20341,} //If the `v` (value) is a type object, use the relevance and assign the value to the accumulator variable `c` return Object.entries(o).reduce((c, [k, v]) => { if (typeof v === 'object') c[k] = v.relevance; else c[k] = v; return c; }, {}); }); console.log(result); 

Shorter Version: Use Object.assign to add property and value to an object.

 let data = [{"name":"United States Department of Homeland Security","TotalCount":0,"UniqueCount":3,"AveragedEntry":{"text":"United States Department of Homeland Security","relevance":0.20341},"WeightedEntry":{"text":"United States Department of Homeland Security","relevance":"NaN"}}] let result = data.map(o => Object.entries(o).reduce((c, [k, v]) => Object.assign(c, typeof v === 'object' ? {[k]: v.relevance} : {[k]: v}), {})); console.log(result); 

You can use the Array.map function to create a pipeline for data transforms like this.

 let data = [{ "name": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "TotalCount": 0, "UniqueCount": 3, "AveragedEntry": { "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "relevance": 0.20341, }, "WeightedEntry": { "text": "United States Department of Homeland Security", "relevance": "NaN", } }]; // Map the data into the new data structure. var mapped = data.map(e => ({ name: e.name, totalCount: e.TotalCount, uniqueCount: e.UniqueCount, averagedEntry: e.AveragedEntry.relevance, weightedEntry: e.WeightedEntry.relevance })); console.log(mapped) 

This might be a bit more wordy that some of the answers that use the JavaScript meta-programming api, but I think simplicity is best for readability.

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