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Regex to match the last character if it is a dot

In OpenOffice Calc how do I remove the last character if it is a dot?



It becomes:


What regex would you use to obtain that?

Regular expression:

  • To match a . , you have to write \\. , because . has a special meaning in regular expressions.
  • To match the end of the line, you have to write $ .

Putting it all together, I would use this regular expression: \\.$ . This will match a dot if it's at the end of the line. Demo

Removing the matched dots:

  1. Open "Find & Replace" window by pressing Ctrl+H
  2. Type regular expression from above into "Search for" field, this is what you want to be replaced
  3. Leave "Replace with" field empty, as you want to replace with nothing , which means it will remove the matched content (the dots)
  4. Under "More/Other options" , turn on "Regular expressions "*
  5. Click on "Replace" or "Replace all" button to perform the replacements

Please see documentation of this Calc feature for further details.

在OpenOffice Calc中,如果最后一个字符是点,该如何删除?


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