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how to call a function inside variable?

This probably is a basic question but i am stuck here.

const activate = (server, plugin) => {
  let handlers = {
    async beginBlock(request) {
      //...my functon code here

I want to know how to call beginBlock() function from a outside library? so far I tried activate.handlers.beginBlock(request) , which didn't work.

Try this

const activate = (server, plugin) => {
    const beginBlock = async (request) => {
        //...my functon code here
    return beginBlock;

const beginBlock = activate(server, plugin);

I'd like to expand on Rahul Sharma's response with slightly updated code that will allow you to have more than one function available for calling from outside your library.

const activate = (server, plugin) => {
    const beginBlock = async (request) => {
        //...my functon code here
    const endBlock = async (request) => {
        //... my function code here
    return {
        beginBlock: beginBlock,
        endBlock: endBlock

const beginBlock = activate(server, plugin);

const endBlock = activate(server, plugin);

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