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Web API post array but frombody is always null

I have array in the following format which i need to post to an API :



I want to pass this to a post method of api

   const options = {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}};
            return this.http.post(           'http://localhost:54721/api/BulkUpload/SaveBulkUploadData',addserverList,options)

I am able post to api, but the data passes is always showing as NULL


Model i structured like below:


Function to generate array

private extractData(res: Response) {

        let csvData = res['_body'] || '';
        let allTextLines = csvData.split(/\r\n|\n/);
        let headers = allTextLines[0].split(',');
        let lines = [];

        for ( let i = 0; i < allTextLines.length; i++) {
            // split content based on comma
            let data = allTextLines[i].split(',');
            if (data.length == headers.length) {
                let tarr = [];
                for ( let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
        this.csvData = lines;

       // console.log(JSON.stringify(this.csvData));

Your JSON is an array of arrays. The method is expecting an array of objects which match the format of the AddServer class.

Your JSON should look something like this:

        "HostName": "Server1", 
        "Type1": "type1_1", 
        "Type2": "type1_1", 
        "HostName": "Server2", 
        "Type1": "type1_2", 
        "Type2": "type2_2",  

Change to function

This has required some guesswork as I don't know the service contract which is feeding into the function but what needs to be changed is in the loop.

for ( let i = 0; i < allTextLines.length; i++) {
        // split content based on comma
        let data = allTextLines[i].split(',');

        if (data.length == headers.length) {
            let tobj = {};

            tobj.HostName = data[0];
            tobj.Type1= data[1];
            tobj.Type2= data[2];


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