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freemarker replace & and &

I have a problem with Freemarker. I want to remove all the special characters from this sentence, and also some similar sentences in the future:


In particular, the &, but the platform also uses HTML, so with the below code:

> <#assign text1 = name?replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9. ]", "",'r')>

I get:


i'm trying also something like this that it remove the &amp but how do i add also some special like !@#$%^90 to be removed in case will be in there?

> <#assign text1 = name?replace('&amp;,', '')>

I'm not sure what characters or character sequences you need to filter out, but based on what you already have, maybe this:

${s?replace('&[a-zA-Z]+;', '', 'r')?replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9. ]', '', 'r')}

So this first removes things like &amp; , then only keeps the "safe" characters.

But, at least in principle this is incomplete, because HTML can contain things like &#65; , which just means A , and so it shouldn't be removed, but replaced with A ... Or, it may contains tags like <b>foo</b> , which then should be converted to foo , not bfoob . Not sure if you need to handle such things, but if so, the string needs to be converted to plain text, which is not a trivial thing and FreeMarker has no built-in for that.

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