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SQL Server XML query

I haven't dealt with XML documents since college. I'm looking for some assistance. I need to write a XML query in SQL Server that will output the data as such.

Please note that the data is being pulled from just one table in SQL Server.

    <Vendor id="string"/>
        <Member>  -- 1st Member Record
        <Member> -- 2nd Member Record

I tried using

FOR XML PATH('Member'),  

But I am unable to get the 'Members" element piece. It's my understanding there cannot be more than one root, so how can I get the 'Members' tag to function like the "EnrollmentRequest' tag and how can I get the vendor id tag to appear only once in the file?

You need to use a sub-select for your member info - something like this:

    'abc' AS 'Vendor/@Id',
        dbo.YourMembersTable m
    FOR XML PATH('Member'), TYPE) AS 'Members'
FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('EnrollmentRequest')

This enumerates all the members, outputs each in a <Member> element, and then "wraps" this into a <Members> element inside the <EnrollmentRequest> root element.

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