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Get inside struct values

In this example , I changed the Sql driver to mgo , I got some confusion. Here, How can I access the inside struct value? like nested struct.

I have two struct,


type Author struct {
    ID        string `bson:"id"`
    Name      string `bson:"name"`
    Timestamp time.Time


type Article struct {
    ID        bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    Title     string        `bson:"title"`
    Content   string        `bson:"content"`
    Author    Author        `bson:"inline"`
    Timestamp time.Time


func (m *mgoArticleRepository) FindAll() ([]*models.Article, error) {
    result := make([]*models.Article, 0)
    sessionCopy := m.Conn.Copy()
    defer sessionCopy.Close()
    collection := sessionCopy.DB(DBNAME).C(COLLECTION)
    err := collection.Find(nil).All(&result)
    return result, err


Author object return empty (I have data in mongoDB)

        "Title":"Makan Ayam",
        "Content":"Sample values One",
        "Title":"Makan Ikan",
        "Content":"Sample values Two",
        "Title":"Makan Sayur",
        "Content":"Sample values Three",
        "Title":"Makan Daging",
        "Content":"Sample values Four",
        "Title":"Makan Indomie",
        "Content":"Sample values Five",
        "Title":"Makan Soto",
        "Content":"Sample values Six",

Here, How can I make the relationship for both structs? Thanks.

change line:

Author Author `bson:"inline"


Author Author `bson:"Author"`

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