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Detect DEBUG, RELEASE and my own mode C#

I have DEBUG, RELEASE and MYMODE configuration modes. How can I detect them?


detect only DEBUG and anything else, but not difference between RELEASE and MYMODE. How can I do it?


I was thinking about something like this:

#elif MYMODE

but if I have RELEASE or MYMODE, all parts of code are gray, only for DEBUG mode the DEBUG part is colorful. I also tried

#define MYMODE

but for this, MYMODE is true all the time doesn't metter what mode is set.

First you can use boolean operators in #if :


Second you can use #else and #elif to break up things...

// Debug only
// In either release or MYMODE
// Otherwise

The combination of these two covers most use cases.

MyMode is a configuration . But, in and of itself, that doesn't define any conditional compilation symbols.

You change these through the projects compilation settings 1 or by passing the -define option to csc. If you look through the Debug configuration's compilation settings, you'll find that the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol was already defined 2 , but there's no RELEASE symbol defined in the Release configuration.

There is no requirement (as you'll find above) that there be any relation between configurations and the symbols that they define.

#if (and family) is defined to work with conditional compilation.

1 Project -> Properties -> Build -> General.

2 In some versions of Visual Studio, there's a dedicated checkbox for it rather than it being listed in the Conditional Compilation symbols, but the effect is the same. If you unload the project and examine the XML, you'll find that all constants are stored in the <DefineConstants> element.

The same:



Or more complex :



I found the solution also thanks by you guys. I used this code:

#elif MYMODE

but first I needed to put the name MYMODE to the Properties > Build > Conditional Compilation Symbols. I didn't do it before so there was the problem.

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