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Field validation in ASP.NET Core 2.0

I get a JSON string in a body of a POST Request like this:

  "payload": {
    "email": "example@test.com",
    "password": "example"

My question is, how can I validate the email and password field in ASP.NET Core 2.0 ?

First, create the model with data annotation validation attributes. There are a number of out of the box validation attributes, and you can also create your own.

public class SomeRequest
    public SomeRequestPayload Payload {get;set;}
public class SomeRequestPayload
    [RegularExpression("some regex", ErrorMessage = "Invalid Email")]
    public string Email {get;set;}
    [RegularExpression("some regex", ErrorMessage = "Invalid Password")]
    public string Password {get;set;}

Then check the ModelState in your controller action. MVC will validate the model and hold any errors in the ModelState when it binds the request body to the method parameter.

public async Task<IActionResult> PostPayload([FromBody] SomeRequest someRequest)
    //checking if there was even a body sent
    if(someRequest == null)
         return this.BadRequest("empty");
    //checking if the body had any errors
         return this.BadRequest(this.ModelState);
    //do insert here
    return this.Created("someLocation", someModel);

There are many way to validate those fields. I prefer to use FluentValidation library with additional package FluentValidation.AspNetCore , which integrates validation into ASP.NET Core pipeline .

There is a great blog-post about using this approach.

Put simply, you should do a few steps:

dotnet add package FluentValidation.AspNetCore

public class AuthViewModelValidator : AbstractValidator<AuthViewModel>
    public AuthViewModelValidator()
        RuleFor(reg => reg.Email).NotEmpty().EmailAddress();
        RuleFor(reg => reg.Password).NotEmpty();

Add some code to ConfigureServices

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            .AddFluentValidation(fvc =>

And finally validate a model

public IActionResult FormValidation(AuthViewModel model)
    if (this.ModelState.IsValid) {
        ViewBag.SuccessMessage = "Great!";
    return View();

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