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Permission denied when upload file in java web application deployed on linux server

I have a java web application with spring 4 and jstl deployed on wildfly installed on linux server. In this app, I have to upload Excel files to extrat data and inject the hole in some table. To do this I defined this configuration for multipart :

public class myAppServletInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer {

private static final String TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = "tmp"; // Temporary location where files will be stored

private static final long MAX_FILE_SIZE = 5242880; // 5MB : Max file size.
// Beyond that size spring will throw exception.
private static final long MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 20971520; // 20MB : Total request size containing Multi part.

private static final int FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 0; // Size threshold after which files will be written to disk

private MultipartConfigElement getMultipartConfigElement() {
        StringBuilder uploadTempDirectoryUrl = new StringBuilder();
        File tempDirectory = new File(uploadTempDirectoryUrl.toString());
        if (!tempDirectory.exists()) {
            log.info("XeryaServletInitializer - Create temp directory " + uploadTempDirectoryUrl);

        log.info("XeryaServletInitializer - Multiplart temporal directory: " + uploadTempDirectoryUrl);
        MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement = new MultipartConfigElement(System.getenv(AppConstants.HOME_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME),
        return multipartConfigElement;

    protected void customizeRegistration(ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration) {

This is the code of the method generale the error (line beetween **)

    public static File convert(MultipartFile file) throws IOException
    File convFile = new File(file.getOriginalFilename());
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(convFile);
    return convFile;

In the linux sever, the tmp folder which is created in configuration floder out off wildfly has this credentials:

root@VM-XITS01-DEV:/opt/xerya_home# ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x 9 wildfly wildfly 4096 juil. 25 02:21

The problem is when I upload the excel file from windows OS, I have this error:

    2018-07-25 03:06:25,192 ERROR [stderr] (default task-47) java.io.IOException: Permission denied
2018-07-25 03:06:25,192 ERROR [stderr] (default task-47)        at java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
2018-07-25 03:06:25,193 ERROR [stderr] (default task-47)        at java.io.File.createNewFile(File.java:1012)
2018-07-25 03:06:25,193 ERROR [stderr] (default task-47)        at com.xerya.school.util.XeryaUtils.convert(XeryaUtils.java:103)
2018-07-25 03:06:25,193 ERROR [stderr] (default task-47)        at com.xerya.school.web.validator.rest.importdata.RestImportDataStudentController.uploadFile(RestImportDataStudentController.java:75)

Can some one help me plz to resolve this problem. In Windows all work right.

I thanks every body for thiers responses. Finally, I located the bug. It comes from this line:

File convFile = new File(file.getOriginalFilename());

To resolve it, I change it by:

String fileName = System.getenv(XeryaConstants.HOME_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME)
    File convFile = new File(fileName);

When I look to getOriginalFilename documentation, it says: "Return the original filename in the client's filesystem. This may contain path information depending on the browser used, but it typically will not with any other than Opera.

I think that this explains the behavior that I get: When the application were deployed on windows, and I upload the file since chrome, no error was found. But when the application were deployed on linux and I upload the file from chrome the bug was found. I was fixed as I said later by concat file.getOriginalFilename() with the absolute path of the container folder.

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