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Async Command Wpf C#

The program has an update button which sends a request to the server. My task is that when you click on the button, the request to the server is started in a separate asynchronous thread, and on the user interface (wpf) a image "spinner-loading" appears. I get an error:

"Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type".

How can I combine async and void or, can I do something any better?


public CarasViewModel()
     AddCommand = new AsyncCommand<Task>(() => Add());

public IAsyncCommand AddCommand { get; private set; }
    async Task Add()
        await Task.Run(() => OnAdd());

void OnAdd()
        var Result = Helper.Get(Configuration.Settings);
        if (Result != null)
            var SelectionViewModel = new SelectionViewModel(Result);
            if (DialogService.ShowModalWindow(selectionViewModel))
            MessageBoxService.ShowError("Check your connection settings.");

code snippet AsyncCommand:

public class AsyncCommand<TResult> : AsyncCommandBase, INotifyPropertyChanged
    private readonly Func<Task<TResult>> _command;
    private NotifyTaskCompletion<TResult> _execution;

    public AsyncCommand(Func<Task<TResult>> command)
        _command = command;

You're confused about TResult and Task. As you have already AsyncCommand<TResult>

public class AsyncCommand<TResult> : AsyncCommandBase, INotifyPropertyChanged

A class static AsyncCommand like a factory to create the command

    public static class AsyncCommand
        public static AsyncCommand<object> Create(Func<Task> command)
            return new AsyncCommand<object>(async () => { await command(); return null; });

        public static AsyncCommand<TResult> Create<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> command)
            return new AsyncCommand<TResult>(command);

Next, you create your command by the factory AsyncCommand like this:

public async Task<string> Add()
    //you can put whatever you want, in my project, it's string containing the message
    //your stuff
    var Result = Helper.Get(Configuration.Settings);

private AsyncCommand<string> _addCommand;
public AsyncCommand<string> AddCommand
                if (_addCommand!= null)
                    return _addCommand;

                _addCommand= AsyncCommand.Create(Add);
                return _addCommand;


I show the progress bar if the task is in execution

<Grid VerticalAlignment="Center" Visibility="{Binding AddCommand.Execution, Converter={StaticResource NullToVisibilityConverter}}">
                <!--Busy indicator-->
                <ProgressBar HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Foreground="{Binding AccentBaseColor}" 
                                           Visibility="{Binding AddCommand.Execution.IsNotCompleted,
                             Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}"
                             Value="100" />

We believe that this is probably a Semantic model bug. Semantic model should be showing a Type of null for all lambda expressions.

You should use dispatcher on calling command.

public CarasViewModel()
 AddCommand = new ICommand<Task>(() => Add());

public ICommand AddCommand { get; private set; }

async Task Add()
   Thread longRunningThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate (){ Thread.Sleep(10000); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new CalculateTimeElapsed(OnAdd)); }));
void OnAdd{}

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